Unanswered Questions

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The previous surgery kept replaying in Kaiya's mind. What if she wasn't fast enough? What if she had slipped up? The scenarios raced through her head. I have to be more careful about this, just because I have this power doesn't mean I won't make mistakes. I have to be able to concentrate quicker just in case the situation arises. She thought this all to herself while she was walking through the hallway aimlessly. Not paying attention, she bumped into Tengetsu again. He looked down at her and half smiled, "geez, we seem to bump into each other a lot don't we?" she looked away, and then her eyes focused on him. "Hmph.." Kaiya turned around and walked off. Tengetsu extended his arm out. "H-hey wait! Did I do something wrong?" She had already gotten out of sight. "Heh.. That girl is something else." He chuckled. ----------------------------------------------

Trevor had replayed the recordings of the surgery to research the rediscovered ability, the healing touch. He had seen how Kaiya had used it.. but he didn't quite yet understand any of it. "Hmm.. Before she used it, she told herself to concentrate. So the power must require a lot of energy and focus to use." He placed his hand on his chin and closed his eyes in deep thought. Jay had been listening in, and she walked up behind him. "Hey uh, Trevor.. What are you talking to yourself about?" He looked over his shoulder for a brief moment. "Oh.. It's you." was the only greeting his assistant got. "I'm just doing some research." Jay looked at the screen. "Research on my.. sister?" He only nodded and continued to closely examine the screen again. "hmph" Jay turned around and stormed off. "What is with his sudden weird fascination with my sister?"--------------------------

"Denial, Denial.. Wait for it.. Deniiiiiiaaaaaal~" Rose sang. Arya continued to scowl at her. "You're such a child. They barely even know each other." Rose huffed, "I still don't believe that." "And why not?" Arya asked. "Because, I just.. Have this feeling. It's hard to explain." Arya blinked in disbelief. "Uh huh. Well, he's my brother so allow me to be the judge of that."------------------------------------

Tengetsu was walking down the hallway with charts he had to deliver in hand. Daniel had sent him out on the "errand" about an hour ago.

~" go bring these files to Resurgam." Daniel told him. "W-what? Why do I have to be the one to do this?" Daniel looked up at Tengetsu and smirked. "Cause I know you wanna see my sister" he teased. Tengetsu's face tinted a light pink. "I-I didn't say anything about that. He stuttered. "Yea whatever, just go take the files already"~

*sigh* what was it about her that made him act like this? He didn't understand. He looked back down at the files that read: "Deliver to Dr. Kaiya Kimishima"

*knock knock* A knocking sound could be heard from the other side of Kaiya's office door. She looked over, and then arose from her chair. "Coming.." She opened the door, and saw Tengetsu. "You again?.. What is it this time?" she raised an eyebrow at him. "Uh.. Well your brother sent me over to give these to you, I forgot about It earlier." He handed Kaiya the charts and files. She quickly skimmed through them. "Is that all then?" She questioned. "Uh, y-yes that's it." Kaiya nudged her head, signaling him towards the door, and then went back to examining the files. Tengetsu stepped out and closed the door behind him. *sigh* "dammit.." his eyes moved down to the floor. A figure'a head peeked from around a corner. Arya had seen everything.

Trauma Team: The Next GenerationOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora