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So many patients had come to Resurgam, and not before long, the place was crowded.

"Geez.. How long is this going to keep up?" Kaiya wiped her forehead and sighed.

"No idea.." Tengetsu replied.

"But.. Is it just me, or does this not make much sense?"

"Huh, what do you mean?"

"I mean, there's just an outbreak all of a sudden on a disease anyone hardly knows about." She began.

"Yea.. You're right. But I think it's best we don't focus on that for just now."

"Yea.. I think you're right about that." There was a pause. "Tengetsu?" Kaiya looked behind her and saw him collapsed on the floor.

"Tengetsu?! Hey some one get some help over here!" A stretcher was brought up, and Tengetsu was carried to the E.R.

Arya, Rose, Gabe, Joshua and the rest ran over.

Arya stepped in front. "What happened? Did you do this to him?!" She asked Kaiya.

"No.. I-I don't even know what happened." she looked at the doors to the E.R.

Tomoe stepped up and pulled Arya back. "He's going to be ok though.. Right?" she looked towards Kaiya with worrying eyes.

"I hope so.. They have to operate on him though."

Gabe stepped out of Tengetsu's room. "He wants to see you." His gaze moved towards Kaiya.

Why me?..

---------------------------------------------- Kaiya slowly opened the door and entered the room.

Tengetsu propped up slightly and looked at her.

"Why did you want to see me?" She asked.

He motioned her to move closer, but she hesitated to do so.

"I want you to be in charge of my operation." He replied.

"But.. Why me? You know how things went last time, if I can't-" Tengetsu motioned his hand up to stop her.

"I know.. and I told you not to blame yourself didn't I?" he half smiled.

Kaiya looked down, and he continued.

"I know that you are a very capable doctor. I've seen how focused you were during those tests, so don't see this any differently."

"But your life is at stake here.."

"I know that too.. But." He paused, and took a breath. "I.. Trust you with my life."

Kaiya's eyes widened, and she looked at Tengetsu quizzically.

"You would trust me that much?"

He only nodded.

"I know you can do this. Just keep your calm. Well then, feel free to begin the operation doctor."

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