A Fitting End to a Fitting New Year

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"We did it." Kaiya sighed in relief.

"No, you did it." Trevor smiled. "Jay would be proud."

Kaiya looked up for a moment and smiled.

She looked over at Tengetsu. "How long should it be before he wakes up?"

"I don't know.. A few days possibly. Just let him rest."

"Alright.." Kaiya looked over at Tengetsu laying on his bed, smiled, and quietly shut the door.


~A few days later~ (December 31st)

Resurgam had thrown a New Years party to celebrate the success of the new upcoming doctors.

While everyone else was celebrating and talking amongst themselves, Kaiya leaned against a wall and looked out the window.

"What are you doing over here by yourself?" A talk figure approached her, and when she looked up, she saw it was Tengetsu.

"Well look who's finally up.. But shouldn't you still be resting?" Kaiya teased, as she looked at his bandages.

"Eh, don't worry about me, I'm fine.. I have a good doctor to thank for that." He laughed and rubbed the back of his neck.

"Well I'm glad to see that you're ok after all. But take it easy alright?"

"Oh come on.. It's a party. We should be celebrating, not quietly reflecting."

Kaiya looked out of the window again.

"I didn't get to thank you yet.."

"Thank me? For what?" She asked.

"Well, for everything you've done to help me, even thought at first I seemed like a lost cause." he smiled.

Kaiya smiled back at him. "I knew you were a slacker, but I didn't think you were a bad guy."

Tengetsu blushed. "Heh.. Thanks."

"Hey you two! Stop flirting already, the countdown is starting!" Gabe called out to the two of them.

Flirting? Kaiya though to herself, but when she looked over, Tengetsu's face turned a slight pink.








Kaiya had looked around, and all of the other doctors seems to be enjoying themselves. After all, they deserved it.

She looked up to Tengetsu again, face still pink. She laughed.



The two of them got closer to each other.


And before either of them had realized it, they were kissing.

"Happy New Year!"

The whole hospital shouted in unison and everyone cheered.

Kaiya and Tengetsu had backed away from each other slightly, both faces flushed pink.

Kaiya looked up at him and smiled. "Happy New Year."

Tengetsu looked back and smiled. "Happy New Year." he replied.

They both had inched closer and kissed again.

"Well well well.. Look at the two lovebirds over here!" Gabe called out as he whistled jokingly.

Everyone had burst out laughing.

Naomi, Little Guy, Alyssa

Joshua, Gabe

Tomoe, Arya

Maria, Rose

CR and Trevor.

Everyone had seems so relieved and finally at peace.

Tengetsu and Kaiya couldn't help but laugh a little bit too.

"So.." Tengetsu rubbed the back of his neck.

"So?" Kaiya looked up at him and teased him.

"Would you uh.. Wanna go out sometime?"

"Finally got the nerve to say it huh? Sounds good to me." she laughed.

For once, Everything was calm. Everything was peaceful. And Everything was right at Resurgam.

Everyone knew that the future was bright for the new doctors, and they themselves knew it too.

Everything felt right.

- THE END ------------------------------

Yay! I did it. I finally finished it. I really hope you guys enjoyed this one, I loved writing every single part of it.

I made the new doctors characters up, except for Joshua and Alyssa. And I hope you guys like them too.

Also, while I was thinking of the idea for this, I had wanted to include a ship so.. Kaiya x Tengetsu :3

Thanks to everyone who read this, I really appreciate it!

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