Final Operation

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Trevor looked over at Kaiya.

"Are you ready?" he asked.

Kaiya paused for a second. "Yes.. Let's begin the operation!"



Problem area: heart

Lacerations and positive chiral


Scalpel: opens area to get to the heart

"Huh? This again?" Kaiya's eyes widened.

"Hmm, what is it?" Trevor asked.

"This looks like the same thing that Jay had."

"Yea, you're right it does."

"What do we do?"

"Just do what we did on the simulations remember? Try the viles."


Kaiya hesitated and grabbed the Green vile. The haze had decreased slightly.

She then reached for the Blue vile, and the haze completely evaporated.

Huh.. I remembered after all..



Trevor handed her the sutures.. But before they could see through the wounded areas.

"What the?!" The haze regenerated.

"It regenerated so fast! How is that possible?!"

Vitals at 50-

"Hold on, let me try something."

She tried the viles in the order of : Green, Blue, and then White.

The same thing had happened, but the White stabilized it so the haze wouldn't regenerate as quickly.


The lacerations had been closed up and repaired with bio gel.

Vitals at 70-

"Good.." she sighed.


More lacerations had appeared at a rapid rate.

"..! Sutures quickly!"

The lacerations were closed back up.

Vitals at 25-

"Oh crap.. That damaged him badly."

Injections of bio gel:

Vitals at 75-

A small strange looking creature had appeared.

"What is this?"

"No idea, just get did of it."

Laser: takes some of its health away.

"It dissappeared?!"

Using the laser had made it resurface, and then more beams were fired at the creature until it gave out.

A sample of it was taken.

"The chiral reaction is gone."she sighed

"I guess that means we're done.. Let's finish it."

-Closes open area up and uses bio gel-

Operation Complete!

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