Troublesome Haze

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The door to the research labs had opened. Kaiya and Trevor stepped in. Kaiya walked over to the desk where Tengetsu had been experimenting. "Any luck yet?"

Tengetsu looked up from his chair. "Huh? Oh right.. I think I may have created a stronger bio gel, but we'll have to test it out to be sure. I've also experimented with other viles of medicine just in case."

"Looks like someone is on top of things.. For once." Kaiya smiled. "Alright; Tengetsu and I will try out these new samples on a simulation run, while you three keep searching for data."

"Understood." Trevor, Rose and Arya nodded, as they grabbed more files and charts. As the two walked out, Rose raised her eyebrows hinting at something, but Tengetsu blew it off and walked out behind Kaiya.


Bio Gel: increases vitals slightly more than the old samples

"Nice job, it actually works."

"Heh, thanks." Tengetsu rubbed his neck.

"So how do these other samples work again exactly?"

"I'm not really sure.. But it doesn't seem like that haze will let you get past it to suture the wounds.. Try the White sample on it first."

White: no effect

"Hmm.. Try the yellow."

Yellow: increases size of haze

"Ah crap! Try the green one."

Green: effects of yellow wear off, and haze decreases in size slightly.

"Hmm.. Good. The blue one should finish the job."

Blue: haze evaporates

"Alright.. We'll need to analyze the haze closely..h-huh?!"

"What happened?"

"It regenerates.. Of course it does."

"You've got to be kidding me! What do we do?"

"It's no use for now, we have to analyze it more in depth. Finish the operation."

-End of Simulation: all data recorded-

"Hmm.. This doesn't make any sense, from what I've seen, the haze acts as a barrier, but can regenerate itself." Tengetsu sighed heavily.

"We could watch the recordings and gather more information on it with the others." Kaiya replied.

"Good idea, let's show them the data." The two walked back to the research lab.

Trauma Team: The Next GenerationOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora