Dealing with a loss

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Joshua, Alyssa, Arya and Rose had all rushed over as soon as they had heard. Kaiya looked up from the people surrounding her, and rushed over to Alyssa. "S-she's gone.. And it's.. It's my fault" she teared up more as she spoke. Alyssa stroked her head, trying to calm her down like she used to when they were younger. Of course Alyssa was a big sister to Kaiya and could usually comfort her, but she still felt the hurt and guilt. Naomi, Little guy, and Daniel surrounded Kaiya again, and she calmed down slightly, but her face was stained from tears. She felt powerless~

- a few days later - Tengetsu slowly opened Kaiya's office door. "Kaiya.. You haven't come out or talked to anyone in days.." he tried to ease her to speak. Her back was turned, and all she said was: "leave me alone."

"I know you still feel pain, and no one should have to go through something like that.. But we need to go into further research for this so no one else will have to. If this is new, then we need to learn about it, and we need you."

"You can do it without me.. Get out."

"No, we can't.. I know it's hard but.. We have to keep moving forward. Wouldn't she want you to?"

"I.. I'm no use to you guys. I failed, I felt powerless back then. You should just forget about me and go."

"That's not true, and you know it. Look, it's not your fault. It's no ones fault. We didn't know how to treat it in the first place. But if this thing spreads, we have to know what we're up against."

Kaiya's back was still turned, and she said nothing after that. Her eyes moved down as if she was lost in thought.

Tengetsu gently placed his hand on her shoulder. "We really do need you, and I thought you should know that. There's no rush.. I'm sorry if it seemed like I was pushing you.. I'll see you later." He removed his hand from her shoulder and stepped out of her office.

Kaiya looked up and whispered: "Jay.. What do I do?"

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