Bitter Sisters

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Joshua straightened up in his chair. "Why would you ask me about something like that?" Alyssa walked forward, "well Kaiya is my sister." She explained. Tengetsu looked up in confusion. "Let me explain.. When I was little, Naomi took me in after I had no family left. A few years after that, she got married to her partner and had 3 kids: Daniel, Kaiya and Jay." "I see.. Well Naomi seems like a good person if she just took you in like that." Alyssa smiled. "Yea, I've looked up to her ever since." Tengetsu looked up and smiled. "Well, what about Kaiya?" He eased into the question. "Well Kaiya is.. more like Naomi in the way that she used to be." she explained. "W-what do you mean?" *sigh* " Naomi told me that in the past she was kind of the loner type, who didn't want to rely on other people. She was more to herself and said sympathy wasn't an emotion she felt much anymore." Alyssa looked down at the floor. "Did something happen to Kaiya to make her like that?" Alyssa looked back up at Tengetsu. "Well.. Not exactly, she was always like that I guess. I know that isn't helpful, but as long as I've known her, that's how she's been." Tengetsu's face fell. "Well.. I know you didn't have to tell me any of this, but thank you." Alyssa half smiled. Tengetsu opened the door. " and one more thing." He turned around. "Kaiya doesn't usually trust guys right away.. So don't try too hard ok?" she joked. Tengetsu's face tinted a light pink, "heh, right." He walked out of the office.------------------------------

Kaiya was headed towards the Diagnosticians office and bumped into him again. "Fancy bumping into you again huh?" he joked. "Why did you have to talk to Joshua and Alyssa?" she asked- straight to the point. "N-nothing much really.. Just reviewing patients charts." He rubbed the back of his neck. Kaiya glared at him for a second and then entered Joshua's office. *sigh* "geez.."-----------------------------------

Daniel had been tapping his fingers on his desk again. "Geez, this guy is always late. He should've been here a long time ago. A file delivery shouldn't take that long." Maybe having him as a partner wasn't such a good idea.." He looked down at his watch, 3:30. "I was supposed to be off by now.. But I have to wait for Tengetsu to return." He laid his head on his desk.----------------------

Trevor had piles of data on the healing touch in his office, he had looked through just about all of them, trying to get as much information on it as possible. *knock knock* Jay peeked her head through the door, and walked in. She saw the picture of Kaiya, and a bunch of data with charts about her. "Hey, uh.. What are you doing?" she asked. "Research." He plainly stated without even glancing up at her. He continued to examine the files. Jay leaned against Trevor's desk, and her eyes shifted between him and the files. "What is with your obsession over my sister?" His eyes were glued down to the files, his face expressionless. "That's none of your concern.." Jay scowled at him, and then slammed his door shut.-------------------------------

Kaiya had just gotten out of the Diagnosticians office to discuss new patients charts. She saw Jay storming through the hall. "Jay? Is something wrong?" Her sister's eyes narrowed and she didn't look up. "What is with his fascination with you?.." she whispered angrily. Kaiya looked confused. "Huh? What are you talking about?---

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