Strange Reactions

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Just as the four of them were about to get into Daniel's car, he turned around and looked at Kaiya. "Wait.. Where's Jay?"-"She has longer shifts than I do. Whenever Trevor is around, she's basically on call." Kaiya explained. "Ah, alright then." Daniel unlocked his car. "Wait, who's Jay?" Tengetsu asked. Kaiya looked over to him, " our sister, well she's the youngest." Tengetsu looked away for a moment, and the looked back at her. "C'mon slowpokes, get in already." Daniel scoffed. The 3 of them opened the car doors and did as they were told: Daniel and Tengetsu in the front, Kaiya and Arya in the back. "So where to?" Daniel looked back from his front mirror. "Uh.. Well." Tengetsu started. "Do you guys not have anywhere to go?" Kaiya asked, concerned. "No, it's just.." his stomach grumbled. "We were planning on getting something to eat, if that's alright with you guys." Tengetsu laughed softly and rubbed his neck. Daniel looked behind him. "Well, what do you think Kaiya?" Her stomach grumbled too, and she sat all the way back in her seat. "Yes.. Food would be nice.." Tengetsu looked back and laughed to himself. Arya looked over at him puzzled. "What's gotten into him..?" she thought to herself. "Alright where do you guys wanna eat?" Daniel spoke up to clear the silence. "Anywhere.." Kaiya and Tengetsu replied in unison. "Geez, I always get stuck with the indecisive ones.." Daniel sighed. "What about you? You've been quiet this whole time. Is something up?" He asked as he looked at Arya. She looked up for a moment, " oh, no I'm just thinking is all." her head went straight down again. "This isn't really like him, I should know." Arya thought to herself again. - a while later- they had finally decided on a spot, but by that time they had to take the food to-go. "Alright.. That only took forever." Daniel laughed. "So where to now?" -" back to the office, I might as well check for any missed files." Tengetsu sighed. "And we should be headed back to the hospital, in case they're understaffed." Kaiya replied. *sigh* "alright.. Back to work then I guess." Daniel put the car in reverse, and headed back to Resurgam. -at the entrance to Resurgam- Daniel pulled the car to a stop. "Well this is it, let's go." Kaiya stated as she grabbed some bags of food. "Alright, and thank you for taking us where we needed to go." Arya bowed her head. Daniel only laughed. "No problem, and no need to be so formal all right?" Arya nodded and rushed to catch up with Kaiya. Tengetsu opened his door. "Huh? Where are you going?" Daniel asked. "I thought I should check if they get in alright. Cause you know.. sisters." he rolled his eyes. "Heh.. You have a good point. Alright then, but hurry up will ya? We have to get back too." Tengetsu smiled and nodded as he headed towards the entrance. Kaiya heard his footsteps, so she turned around. "Hmm, what are you doing here? Don't you guys have to get back to work too?" she asked him. "Uh- yea I know, it's just.. I wanted to make sure you guys got back alright." he stated with a hint of nervousness in his voice. "Well.. That's nice of you to do but, you should get going right?" Kaiya looked up at him. "Uh, right.." Tengetsu looked away and slowly turned around. He headed back towards the car. Arya walked up behind Kaiya after seeing Tengetsu. "What was that about?" she asked. "He wanted to check up on us I guess." Kaiya replied. "Alright then.." Kaiya walked off, not hearing her talk. "This isn't like him." Arya whispered to herself. " I wonder.."---

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