Analyzing a new 'Virus'

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Tengetsu, Trevor, Arya, and Rose were all researching all files on any possible relation to this new disease. Kaiya walked through the door. Tengetsu looked up at her and half smiled. "Kaiya.. What made you decide to come here?"

"You were right.. I was beating myself up over something I couldn't control. And I know that we have to keep going forward to stop whatever this new one is. I'm doing this for Jay." She looked up and smiled.

Tengetsu smiled, and everyone agreed. "For Jay."----------------------------------

After hours of looking through files, charts and data, nothing was found. "Huh.. So this is a new one as we had predicted." Trevor stated.

"It really seems that way.. We've been looking at these charts for a while now and no significant relations." Rose spoke up.

"This doesn't seem like Rosalia does it?" Kaiya asked

"Hmm.. It's a possibility but I doubt it."

"My parents had told me about the virus they had dealt with, Rosalia, when I was a kid. It gave them a lot of trouble too.. I know it doesn't seem like there's any relation but, in a way it is similar." Kaiya explained.

"She's got a point.." Arya looked over at Kaiya.

"Hmm, well it's not the same virus no, but under the circumstances it doesn't seem like a coincidence." Trevor thought aloud.

"I remember hearing the same from my mom, she had been there at the Rosalia outbreak too." Tengetsu replied.

"If this thing turns into an outbreak.. It's gonna be really bad." Rose sighed.

"We have to learn what we're up against. We need to learn anything and everything we can on this. No matter how long it takes." Kaiya asserted.

"Well, the first thing I noticed was that our typical bio gel didn't work.. So I can start testing to see if I can make a stronger type." Tengetsu replied.

"I didn't know you messed with medicine.. You said you had no prior medical training."

"Well, I've been doing a lot of research since then. You'd be suprised." He smiled, and Kaiya half smiled back.

Tengetsu grabbed some containers of bio gel, and a mixture of other medical supplies, along with a sample of the new presumed Virus, and got to testing.

"We should analyze the problem areas that the virus seemed to go to. Did anyone notice what they were or could have been?" Trevor asked.

"Well.. It went to the heart, but I'd guess that it could go to any of the main systems. And that's only in theory." Kaiya stated.

"We'll need as much help as we can get on this.."

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