Chapter 6

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About 20 minutes after the doctor left Jaime began to open her eyes slowly.


Ashley " are you awake."

" hmmm."

CC "ill go get the doctor."

5 minutes later.

Doctor ", your awake!"

"yeah I've noticed."

Doctor "how are you feeling?"

"like there's a hammer in my head."

Doctor "yes, with all the pills you took I expected that." Jaime stayed quiet.

Andy "so when can we bring her home."

Doctor "well we could send her home tomorrow in the morning, but we would need you to keep a very close eye on her."

Jaime sat upright very quickly wincing at the pain " what do you mean, I can't go back there!"

Doctor " why Jaime did they do something to you?!"

"no, but I ruin everything,

I'm ruining Ashley's relationship, I'm just a bother a worthless price if space, AND YOU SHOULD'VE LET ME DIE!!!"

Ashley ", you haven't ruined anything ok, Kari she's a bitch, and your to special to us to me, so if you expect us to let you die then your very wrong."

Jinxx "yeah we love you and Kari isn't a bitch, she's a major bitch!"

Doctor "so do you want to go home tomorrow?"

Jaime *silent

Doctor" Jaime?!" he said sounding more alarmed, he rushed over to her side and saw she was just about to lose consciousness when she screamed

"sure just get me some damn pain killers."

The doctor got some medication and gave it to her. "it seems like she passed out from how much pain she was feeling, with what happened I'm surprised she stayed conscious as long as she did, but she will still be able to go home tomorrow."

Sammi Doll "and she will be ok?"

Doctor "she should be, I can tell she has a very high pain tolerance so more than likely she won't need anymore pain killers tomorrow but I will send some just in case."

Ashley "thankyou."

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