Chapter 16

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Jaime "can't you hear me get out." Everyone ran out of the room like they were going to get murdered, they knew Jaime wouldn't be able to hurt them but they were still scared shitless of her. Jaime" sat there crying and again took a razor to her wrist. Around ten minutes later Jaime was asleep and the doctor and Ashley came in.

Doctor "good shes asleep."

Ashley "so what's the update."

doctor "well there isn't much to tell seeing she's just gotten out of surgery an few hours ago, but no doubt about it she's on the suicidal watch."

Ashley "she so stressed out about everything and with her mom coming here ugghh, it's so frustrating."

Doctor "you're going to adopt her."

Ashley "was."

Doctor "do you love her."

Ashley "more than anything in the world."

Doctor "make sure your doing the right thing."

With that the doctor left.

One week later, Jaime and Ashley were sitting on the bed with all of the bvb boys and everyone else from the previous days. CC was talking to Jaime when Mae walked in.

CC "Mae what are you doing here."

Mae "I'm taking back my daughter."

Andy "what do you mean Ashley is adopting her."

Mae "ask him about it."


Mae " he isn't going to adopt you he told me to take you back."

Chloe "Ashley."

Ashley" I'm sorry ."

Jaime just sat there.

Andy "asshole."

Ashley "hey I did this for her."

Jinxx "how the hell could this be done for her your doing this for you."

Ashley "don't even say that."

Jinxx "why not your scared."

Ashley "I am not I think this is the best thing for her."

"fuck you."

Ashley " please try to understand."

" understand what that you lied to me, you betrayed my trust, you promised me, you fucking ass."

Ashley " plea-"

"just go just all of you go please."

Jake Pitts " we still love you."

"right remember no could ever love a girl like me an Ashley I began to trust you and believe that you loved me...I guess I was wrong.

Ashley "Jaime-"

"no just go."

Dina didn't make them leave the hospital just the room.

Jake Pitts "I can't believe you would do that she trusted you and opened up to you now you're just another jackass."

Ashley "I'm sorry."

Ronnie radke "hey we have to leave we have a shoot for the album."

Andy "bye guys ill call and update you if we get any news."

Soon everyone else had to leave the only ones there were the bvb boys when Ted came out of Jaimes hospital room.

Jake "what's the update."

Ted "she doing just fine she kicked Ed mom and the lawyer out its now just me and her, and she's just sitting there like she can't even cry kind of scary, the docs getting a therapist to come says she could be on the verge or hit the verge of a psychotic break."

Ashley "this is all my fault."

Ted "it is I can't even believe why, how you could do that."

Ashley "I did it for her benefit."

Ted "how could this possibly benefit her I think you guys should come in and talk to her."

Ashley "really?"

Ted "not you."

Jinxx "ok."

Ted "lets go."

Jake" hey sweetheart how ya doing."

" waiting to die."

Andy "sounds like fun."

"yeah lots." Jaime said sarcastically

CC "so when did the doctor say we can take you home."

"I can't go home with you even if I wanted to."

CC "why?"

" because Ashley gave up on me and is letting my mom take me so I have to go with her I don't have a choice."

Jinxx "we will find a way for you to stay with us."

"the only way to do that is for Ashley to change his mind, and I don't want him to."

Jinxx "well why not."

"I just cant, I wanna go home."

Jinxx "well your mom doesn't have you yet how about you come home with me and Sammi."


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