Chapter 10

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The next day at lunch Jaime and Ted sat down. Jaime was whereing a baggy brown sweatshirt, and black Jeans. Ted noticed again that she barely got anything to eat, he also noticed all the scars on her wrists when her sleeve was pushed up a little.

"hey so do you want to come over and help me doctorate my room tonight?"

Ted "sure sounds like fun."

"can I ask you something?"

Ted looked up "yeah of course."

"do you just like me now cause I live with Ashley Purdy?"

Ted " look at me, I don't like you ok I love you and I would still love you even if you didn't live with him ok I've gotten to know you just a tiny bit and your already my best friend I've ever had and there's nothing you could do to change that." Ted hugged Jamie  and wiped a tear from her eye.

"thank you."

Then Saturday at 12:57 pm they had finished Jaimes room, the walls were a shade of light blue with posters all around, and a huge walk in closet, and not to mention a bathroom, a queen bed with black bedding, a desk, and even a couch by the wall.

Ted "now *yawn you have an awesome room."

"*yawn yeah *yawn I'm tired."

Ted "*so am I want to *yawn lay down for a bit?"

Ted had already laid down and  Jaime cuddled up close to him.

Ted woke up at 9:47 and Jaime was still next to him.

"you awake?"

Ted "yeah."


Ted "want to get up?"


They both got up wide awake and walked into the next room where they smelled pizza. Jaime walked over and curled up in CC's lap, Ted sat next to Ashley.

CC" still tired?"


Andy "someone should sleep more."


Andy" don't yell."

"IM GONNA FUCKING YELL IF I WANT TO FUCKING YELL!" and she stormed off to her room.

Ted was sitting there wide eyed and had a curious look on his face.

Jake "you shouldn't have said that."

Andy *silent

Jinxx "do you really want to hurt her."

Just then Teds phone went off

Ted "hello..... ok ill be home in about ten."

Ashley "need a ride?"

Ted "could you drive me?"

Then they left.

CC "Andy go apologize."

Jake "I don't get why you pester her, she can't help it that's why she has to take all they medicine."

Andy "I just don't like seeing her so.... you know."

Jinxx "yeah but still."

Andy got up and went into Jaimes room.

Andy "Jaime."

"if your going to yell at me then I don't want to hear it."

Andy" Jaime I'm not gonna yell."

Jaime sat up and looked at him, 'then what your going to tell me that there's something wrong with me well guess what news flash for ya babe I already know I'm beyond fucked up."

Andy "it just I absolutely can't stand it when your hurting, I love it when your happy, when your smiling."

'I'm never happy haven't been for a while now."

Andy walked over and hugged her that hug was soon joined by aAshley, Jake, Jinxx, and CC.

"I can't do this anymore."

Jake "no one said you have to do anything alone."

"that's what they all say."

Andy "who says that?"

"teachers, counselors, so called '"friends'", therapists, just about anyone who ever got close to me."

Andy "what about Ted."

"I don't know it's just with him it's different it's like he knew me before he knew me you know."

Andy "have you told him about yourself."


Andy "I'm sorry just so sorry I didn't mean it."

"it's ok."

Andy "no its not."

" your bit the first one to be a dick to me and certainly won't be the last."


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