Chapter 14

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11:00 am, everyone was at the house.

Justin hills "good morning."

Ashley "hey."

Jake fowler "where's Jaime."

Tony perry "I don't know."

Austin Carlie "I think she's still sleeping."

Just then Ted walked out of jaimes bedroom with a grumpy Jaime behind him."

"this is torture."

Derek jones "why?"

"no one should have to get up this early."

Ted "come on you whiner."

Jaime stuck Her toung out at Ted.

CC "I agree this is an out rage who do we sue."

Then there was a knock at the door, frank Lero opened it.

Officer 1 "may we come in."

Ashley "yes."

The first officer Mae inside followed by 3 more police men, a lawyer, kari, and someone Jaime did not expect, her dad.

Andy "I'm sorry why are you all here."

Officer 2 "does a girl named Jaime live here."

CC "why do you want to know."

Lawyer "she is going back to live with her father and you all will be arrested for kidnapping."

Jaime who had been quiet the whole time stepped out and around Ted and said "they didn't kidnap me I ran away and they offered to take me in."

Cameron (jaimes dad) "there's my baby."

"I'm not going with that bastard."

Lawyer "you have no choice."

Ashley "I'm adopting her."

Cameron " you need a parent to sign her over."

Kari "Ashley just give up already."

Just then Cameron went over and wrapped Jaime in a hug, Jaime was kicking punching and screaming "LET GO OF ME YOU BASTARD GET AWAY I WILL KILL YOU."

Two of the officer came over and grabbed her lifting her up and they began carrying her out of the house.

"Jaime broke out of their grasp "ITS A FELANY TO HIT A COP!" and she punched one of the cops.

Officer 2 "I think we need to take a little ride down to the station."

Jaime "ASHLEY ASHLEY HELP ASHLEY DON'T LET THEM TAKE ME ASHLEY!" she was ten shoved into the cop car and they drove to the station."

Officer 3 "you can all come to the station if you like."

Jaimes POV

Jaime had been put in an interrogation room when a shrink came in.

George "hello my name is George."


George "I wanted to talk to you about those men who kidnapped you."

"they didn't kidnap me they saved me from committing suicide."

George " can you please tell me the truth"

"that is the truth, I was going to commit suicide by jumping off of a bridge but they stopped me and took me under their wing and aAshley he is going to adopt me."

George "why were you going to commit suicide."

Jaime "why wouldn't I. I have depression, anxiety, bulimic, anorexia, ADD, insomnia, self harm, my dad beat and raped me, tell me wouldn't you."

George "can you tell me why you lied with your dad instead of your mom then?"

"when they got a divorce Cameron won custody over me."

George "how long did your dad do this to you?"

"he beat me since I was like 9 or 10 raped me since I was 11."

George "do you want to see Ashley?"

"yes please!"

George "wait here."

10 minutes later.

Ashley "Jaime!"

"Ashley!" she yelled as she jumped into his arms.

Ashley "are you ok."


Ashley "I promise ill get you back."

"what do you mean back?"

George "Jaime I'm sorry but from lack of evidence and your dads clean record you have no choice but to go back to Iowa with him, there's nothing we can do."

Jaime looked at Ashley "don't let them do this."

Ashley "I'm so sorry there's nothing I can do."

George "you can find a damn good lawyer, we have one here and he's the best."

Jaime "wait what about the charges for punching a cop."

George "they've been dropped."

"can he come in here."

Officer 1 "yes."

"you can't drop the Cherie's please."

Ashley "Jaime."

Chloe "I don't care I just can't go with Cameron."

Officer 1 "you'll have to sleep in jail."

Jaime "I don't care."

Lawyer " Jaime your going with your father."


officer 2 "sir I'm sorry but if you try to stop her you will be sued by Cameron."

Ashley "I don't care that girl is my child."

Cameron " Come on lets go to a motel."


Cameron "lets go get some sleep."

20 minutes later Amerindian had gotten a motel and came back to the car to get Jaime .

"I want to go back."

Cameron grabbed her by the hair and dragged her inside, when they got inside Cameron beat her then raped her. He repeated the process about 20 times then fell asleep while Chloe was knocked out on the floor. 20 minutes later Jaime woke up and saw Cameron sleeping on the bed.

Jaime thought "ok this is my chance," she got up and ran to the door. Cameron was behind her on a flash.

Cameron "where do you think your going."

Jaime knew what was coming but it didn't prepare her for the first blow to her head. Cameron kicked,punched, kneed, elbowed, bit, burned, shot, and cut her. when he was done beating her he chained her up to the bed, and put a shock collar on her.

Cameron then began to get ready for the day, there was a trial today to see wether or not Jaime was going to go home with Cameron.

Cameron "I you move you will be shocked, and I also have a remote and will shock you several times through out the day." Then he shot her in the chest.

With that he left.

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