Chapter 12

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Monday Jaime was walking home from school knowing everyone would be there when she got home, she made them promise. Ted was with her. they were a block from her house when someone sprang out and pulled them into the alley. Jaime saw it was Trent, one of his friends started to beat up ted Jaime screamed at them ted wasnt very hurt just a bruise on his head. trent began to beat Jaime then a couple of his friends began to join in. the whole time she could hear Jennifer, and her friends say "yeah, get her, punch her." And Jaime kept screaming "is that all you got." when the guys were done Jennifer knelt down and said "that'll teach you to mess with me" then slammed her head into the ground. Jaime jumped up and bit her face. Ted picked up Jaime and carried her to her house.

Teds POV

Oh my god "let me go." Ted kept screaming at one of Trent's friends, he was really dizzy and knew he couldn't get to Jaime. He thought "oh god that stupid girl why is she egging them on", just then they stopped an Jennifer said something to jaime but couldn't her then I saw Jaime jump up and bite her face. SHE BIT HER FACE! that's my girl. I picked Jaime up and carried her to her house just before I opened the door, god she looked awful.

That day she wore a long sleeves black crop top and black shorts. she had bruises, bite marks, cuts, all over her body.

when I opened the door everyone from that weekend was there.

Ashley ran up to us as I held "what the fuck happened."

"oh hey ash nuthin much." she said in a weak voice.

Jinxx "Ted what happened to your head."

Kellin Quinn "I think you two need to go to the hospital."

Jaime looked at him sarcastically "I think your right."

That's when I noticed the knife in her side. "I think we should call an ambulance." I sat Jaime down in the couch.

Ronnie radke "I think you need to go to."

Ted "I'm fine."

Ronnie radke "you have a knife in your back." He had so much adrenaline that he couldn't feel the pain from the knife.

Ted "shit."

Andy "I just called should be here anytime."

Just then paramedics rushed into the house.

Paramedic "you can follow us to the hospital."

The guys got there and within twenty minutes a doctor came out.

Ashley "do you have any news."

Doctor" hello I'm DR. Andrew, the boy, the knife has been removed there was minimal damage, the girl, same goes for her.

Vic Fuentes "thank god."

Dr. Andrew "but with all the bruising and cuts on both of them, they will be in a lot of pain, but they may go home as soon as you fill out paper work.

As soon as they got home.

"I am going to kill that bitch."

Mike Fuentes "we talked to the police and they will be charged."

Ted "ok now I'm really tierd."

"so am I."

Ashley "yeah the doctor said you would be."

Andy "you guys can go in and lay down."

"like I need your permission."

Andy "that's my girl," he said and pecked Jaime cheek.

Then Jaime and Ted went to her room and went to sleep cuddled up close to each other.

Ronnie radke "well I'm gonna go so you guys can get everything taken care of, call if you need anything."

With that everyone but the bvb boys left.

Andy "how can someone just do that."

Jake "the world can be sick and twisted."

Ashley "I was gonna ask her today."

Jinxx "I know man I'm sorry."

CC "she is oh my god I feel so bad."

Teds POV (again)

Me and Jaime went in and laid down, this was coming like a routinely thing. I was never at home, my parents hated me anyway, I have everything I need here, I literally live here. but I can't stop thinking how Jaime could've been killed and I would be been able to tell her how I feel, how do I feel? I like her, I love her I fell in love with her that first day of class. god she looked so beautiful but worn down now, she had become skinnier and mor cuts appeared on we wrist. I knew she cut her waist too but I wasn't going to ask about that when she's ready to talk she will. but god I just want to get it out of my chest and tell her how I feel. just then Jaime rolled over and whispered in my ear


Ted" for what."

"for saving me."

Ted" what did you think I would do?"

"help them."

Ted "now why would I do that to my best friend?"

" I don't know."

Ted " look at me", when Jaime finally tilted her head up at him their eyes locked, "Jaime I love you more than anything in the world you are my world I would do anything for you."

"no can love m..."

Jaime was cut off because Ted kissed her, she kissed him back. when the kiss ended he kissed the top of her head "god I love you."

"I love you to."

And they just sat there like that for the rest of the night Jaimes head on Teds chest.

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