Chapter 15

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Ashley was already at the police station when Cameron came in.

Cameron "excuse me can I have all of your attention."

Everyone looked at him.

Cameron "Jaime will not be joining us she is locked up and bleeding out."

Ashley shoved Cameron against the wall "where is she you bastard."

Cameron "she is dieing."

CC was holding Ashley in a hug while he screamed and bawled "where's my daughter you bastard what have you done.

Cameron "I have a shock collar on her and can shock her with this remote if you do or say things I do not approve of I will shock her, and since you said that I think that deserves a 30 second shock" he said holding down the button.

Ashley just began to cry harder as the other boys an their girls held each other, everyone from the previous days were there with tears in their eyes."

Cameron "now lets play a little game and see how long she can survive with blood gushing out of the place where is shot her."

One of the officers locked him up and went to get to work on finding her.

Cameron now that there deserves a full 5 minutes.

Ashley "please ill do anything to get her back safe."

Cameron "ill give you a hint she's in a motel."

Officer "then lets search all the motels."

Austin Carlie "please let us help."

Ok each of you will be paired up with one officer.

Ashley "ok."

They all left.

It has been 2 days and they still haven't found her there was only one hotel left to look in. everyone went after they talked to the desk manager he said that he had seen Cameron with a girl and the number was 413 on the fourth floor. they called for an ambulance and then went up to the room. Ashley kicked the door open and saw Jaime. he ran to her side. One of the officers felt Jaimes pulse and said it was faint. then they heard the ambulance come and the paramedics rush up.

When one of the paramedics tried to move her the shock collar went off.

Paramedic one "we can't move her at all until we get the shock collar off go get something sharp.

The officer was already on It and cut off the shock collar. the paramedics then rushed he to the hospital.

After about two hours after being at the hospital a doctor came out to talk to them.

Andy "is she going to be ok?"

Doctor "well she has six broken ribs which I can't imagine how that feels. both her legs are broken, the left one has nine clean breaks and five fractures, the right leg has twelve clean breaks and three fractures. her hip is broken, along with her tail bone, and pelvic. her left arm has four clean breaks and two fractures, along with all of her fingers on that hand, bother her arms are dislocated. her jaw is broken, and no doubt about it has a concussion. we also managed to get the bullets out of her stomach, back, and chest. one bullet barely missed the heart. she has very bad burns on her body. there's more but I want to say I'm am very surprised at how long she has stayed alive. you are very lucky."

Ashley "can I see her, please I need to."

Doctor "right now she is in surgery, I can take you to the room we will give her though."

Andy "thank you."

Ted began crying and praying for her.

All Ashley could think about is how he broke his promise to her.

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