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*phone ringing*
"Mmmmmmm, I swear if it's someone selling stuff I don't want a part of it." I say.
"Miles? It's 3:46 in the morning what's u-"
"Y/N! Y/N it's Flora! I took Miles phone. Somethings wrong with him! He's shaking, he's sweating, he's screaming!" Flora tells me.

"Get out of my head! Leave me alone! She does love me I swear!" I can hear miles yelling in the background. I immediately get out of bed and rush to my closet to get my shoes. "I'm leaving right now! I'll see you in a few minutes. Tell Miles I'm on my way!" I yell. I dash to my apartment kitchen and leave a note

Went to Miles. Call me if needed.

I run out the door and get on my bike.

Eventually I get to his mansion of a house.
I open the front door. "Flora! I'm here!" I yell.
"He's in his room!" Flora tells back, tears streaming in her face.
I rush to Miles side and hug him as tight as I could, pulling his head to my chest, and rocking him slowly back and fourth.
"Miles! Miles it's ok. I'm here. Don't worry." I comfort.

"They-they said you didn't love me. You said you didn't love me! And that I'm psychotic!" Miles screamed.

"Shhhhhhhhh. No no no no. That's wrong baby. I do love you. And your not psychotic. I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you!" I say cradling Miles.

A few hours later, Miles fell asleep in my arms. My hand still making invisible patterns on his bare back. My other hand, playing with his almost black locks. Jodi took Flora downstairs for the rest of the night, whereas me and Miles stay in his bed. I turn off the light and continue to hold him, until we both fall asleep.


I wake up. I look over to Miles, who in which managed to get out of my grip last night, and cuddle me from behind.

"Morning Miles" i say softly, kissing his head.
I take notice on how he shifts his body, starting to wake up.
"Morning." He says.
I turn to face him. His arm now wrapping around my waist, and my arm resting on his shoulder.
"How did you sleep?" I ask
"Better, now that you're here with me." He says.
I smile into a soft kiss I share with him.
I love him so much.

"It hurts to see you hurt. I love you so much. So if something is on your mind, please tell me?" I say.


His ghosts  (miles x reader)Where stories live. Discover now