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Miles POV

I checked the time again for the 700th time this hour let alone. 2:37 AM the clock read. Y/n just got out of her immediate surgery. She's in recovery and nobody can see her. I look around the room. The television hooked to the wall plays old 1990 sitcoms quietly. The waiting room is empty, y/ns family was informed about the surgery, but nobody showed up. Maybe it's too much for them to handle? Or their telling everyone else in the family about what happened.

The door opens, and Al walks in with his wife. "Miles? You're still here?" He asks. "I never left." I said silently. "Miles this is my wife, Rosa." Al presents his wife to me. I just wave. "Miles, Alex told me about your girlfriend. I'm very sorry about what is happening." Rosa puts her mocha skin colored hand reaches out to my pale one, and holds it with empathy. "Thank you for the sympathy." I say. "You're welcome." Rosa says. "Hey Al, where's your daughter?" I ask. "She's staying the night. Something happened, the doctors won't tell us but all we know is that she is conscious, and being taken care of her favorite nurse." Al says to me. "She has a favorite nurse?"  I ask. "She does. She is so kind with Charlotte. Her name is Sarah. She is the blonde girl with brown eyes, maybe if you get the chance you can meet her." Rosa tells me. "I'll take that to consideration." I say.

After talking to the couple, the waiting room door opens. And comes in Ben. Anger rushes into me, and I stand in a rage. "What the hell are you doing here?" I ask. "I'm here to see
y/n."  Ben tells me. "Go anywhere near her and the only thing you're going to be seeing is yourself in a full body cast!" I yell. Al grabs my arm and Rosa takes Ben to the other side of the room. Al sits me down to the other end.

"I thought all this was over." Al implies. "He just made everything worse." I say. "Did something else happen?" Al asks.  "When I went to see
y/n, after you told me to, I found out she went into cardiac arrest and was rushed into immediate heart surgery." I say. "Oh shit. I'm sorry man. Is there anyone you need to call?" Al asks. I thought about Flora, how much a sister y/n is to her, and what would happen to Flora if she found out about her. "Everyone is probably asleep. I'll call in the morning." I say. Al puts his hand on my shoulder. "Is sure they are concerned for you and y/n. You can use my phone. Call them. It never hurts to try." Al says. I nod and dial Jodi's phone number.

"Hello?" I hear Jodi's voice.

I tell them everything. Now, Flora, and Jodi are on their way to the hospital. "You can't go through this alone." Al says. "You need family." He adds. I nod.

"Me and Rosa have to go and get some things for Charlotte." Al hands me a 5 dollar bill. "Go take care of yourself and eat something. I'm sure the vending machines are still running." Al says. We stand in unison, and Al pulls me into a hug. "Everything will be ok. I promise you Miles. Don't lose hope." Al points to me. "And stop arguing with the little guy over there. It was an accident, you can't get mad at accidents. Make yourself the bigger guy and go apologize to him for the punches earlier." Al advises me. "Thanks for the advice." I say.

I watch Rosa and Alexander leave the hospital. I walk over to Ben who in which is in tears. I feel like a have to pity him now. I fit my hands in the front pockets of my jeans, and look around. A small "Hey" escapes my lips. Ben looks up. "I know you want to kick the shit out of me. I deserve it. Just, please-" I cut him off.
"Y/n went into cardiac arrest after our fight. I realized the more we bitch at each other, the worse outcome it is for her. So how about for now, let's just start over." I say.   "I'd like that." Ben says.

I hold up the 5 dollar bill Al gave me. "You hungry?" I ask. "Yeah." Ben replies. I help him up out of his seat, and walk to the vending machines. I put the 5 dollar bill in the slot, and look at the choices. "What do you want?" I ask. "What do you want?" Ben asks me. "Don't know. I'm not really that hungry, I can't really eat without thinking of y/n." I say. "We both know what she would say. 'Miles eat or ill force you to eat something" Ben mimics.

I chuckle. "Yeah. She would definitely say that to me." I reply. I eventually decide on a bottle of water and cookies, and Ben decides on chips.

After me and Ben making small talk, the front doors force open. "Miles!" A small voice echoes. It's Flora. I turn around to see my little sister in tears. I rush towards her, and kneel into a tight hug.

"Will She be ok?" Flora asks. "I hope so. I really hope so." I say.

A few hours later, Ben describes what happened with his father and the accident to Jodi. Jodi takes Ben to our house. His house is still too dangerous, especially with his father.

Flora fell asleep on my shoulder, and the time is now 6:35 AM. A nurse walks out and says we can see y/n. I shake flora awake. "Hey, Flora, we can see y/n now." I say. Me and Flora both go to y/ns room. I addressed how to approach her and such. "Remember. Talk quietly, and move quietly." I say. Flora nods a yes. I open the door, and we see y/n sleeping so peacefully. I softly tale her hand, and put it in mine. Me and Flora both witness y/ns beautiful eyes flutter open.

She looks at me, and smiles. "Greetings and salutations." I joke. "Hey."  She responds.
"Y/n?" Flora speaks softly. "Hey there" y/n says. "Are you ok?" Flora asks. "Yeah. I should be fine."

Y/n looks at me. "Have you slept?" She asks. "No." I respond. "Not since you got here." I say.

"Miles, you need to sleep." Y/n says. "I couldn't. You were on my mind too much." I reply. "Did you eat?" She asks. "Me and Ben got something from the vending machines." I say.

"Ben was here?" Y/n asks. "Yeah. I'll discuss that with you later. I'm going to call Jodi and have her pick up Flora." I say and Y/n nods.

"I'm so happy you're awake. I missed you." I say.

"I missed you too, Miles."

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