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junkyu's pov
after min and i went separate ways, i secretly headed to ceo yang's office. he told me once that i was his favourite trainee and he would do anything for me.

"daepyo sajangnim?" i asked after knocking the door thrice.

"yes junkyu?"

"i have a favour to ask you..." i said.

"junkyu, if it's about the elimination..."

"aniyo ah, sajangnim. it's about your new trainee, jang minyoung."

"jang minyoung? she's my niece, she'll never be a trainee under my company as she doesn't meet the requirements i have. is there anything wrong with her? excuse me boy, you already have park min. don't do anything funny."

"no, sir. she's the one ruining my relationship. she kissed me all of a sudden and min saw it. she even threatened to end our relationship. please, sajangnim, if u can please help talk to her parents about her coming and causing more trouble. she might have known me as i was her EX boyfriend but i got over her. she stalks me to our dorm too."

"ne, junkyu, i'll see to that. meanwhile, please continue with your training. i'll see you again during your dinner to talk about it."

"gomawo!" i said before i left.

if i could do anything to maintain my relationship with min, i'll do it. even if it takes the cruelest ways.


the next day
"junkyu, can i speak to you?" minyoung stopped me as i was about to enter the building.

"yes, keep it short."

"i'm sorry for what i have done to you the past few days. i actually have an emotional disorder. so i've been really lonely nowadays. my dad just spoke to me last night. i gotta stop bugging you. sorry about it. and i'll be migrating to the US soon, i hope we still can become friends tho." she said before giving me one last hug before she left, wiping her tears on her arms.

when i turned around to enter, i saw min. out amid all places, why must she appear every time i'm talking to minyoung?

"hi min!" i said, trying to act normal, but i soon realised that acting normal was the worst thi to do when your girlfriend suspects you of "cheating". because it probably means you did nothing wrong when you did.

she turned around and ran across the road.

"MIN! DONT!" i screamed a little too late.

"BAAM!" min flew above the car and smashed against the windscreen.

i whipped out my phone and dialled the ambulance immediately.

after that, i approached her lifeless body, shaking.


i wanted to alert her parents, but i realised i didn't have their numbers. then i remembered min asked me to register my fingerprint in her phone.

with my fingers shaking, i reluctantly dialled her mom's number.

"annyeonghasaeyo? i'm junkyu. please come to Seoul Hospital. i'll explain later, be careful on the road." i said and ended the call briefly.

comes to you // kim junkyuWhere stories live. Discover now