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min's mom's pov
after junkyu's call, i immediately rushed to the hospital. when i saw junkyu outside the ward, crying, i knew something was wrong.

"junkyu ah!" i called him.

he approached me, still sobbing as he explained everything that happened today.

"min eomma, i was talking to one of my friends as she wanted to apologise for ruining my relationship with min. then she hugged me goodbye because she was going to migrate. then she just so happened to witness the whole thing. she thought i was cheating, so she ran away. and she ran into the road. i tried calling her but it didn't walk. she just ran onto the toad without looking at the traffic-"

"junkyu, arraseo. i won't blame you. i understand that she might be one of your past friends, or even ex girlfriend, so you have an extent of being close. it was our min who was immature. we can only hope that she is okay." i replied as i comforted him. i knew how much junkyu loved her and i could feel his sincerity.

junkyu's pov
after the doctors completed her operation, she was sent to the ICU. the doctors said that the operation was successful, but she would need months to recover, especially since she's in a coma now. i heaved a sigh of relief, so did her mom.

i decided to call my managers and ceo yang since i haven't been back to the dorm and training for almost 2 days.

"sajangnim, i'm at the hospital with min right now. she met with an accident yesterday. please help me tell my manager that i'm safe. and help tell mom's manager too. i'll return to training tomorrow."

"ne junkyu. thank you for being such a dedicated trainee. since i sense great potential in you, you will skip the elimination phase and be instantly the contestant. please keep your consistent effort tho. i'll give you a week break to take care of min. see you next week when the show starts." ceo yang said before he ended the call.

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