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I do not own Avengers, sadly. Here's the new chapter!

Debris flew everywhere and all around you, people were screaming. You look around, trying to find a familiar face, but you don't see one. Suddenly, the building you're in collapses on top of you.

You wake up a few seconds later and realized you had passed out. You try to take a deep breath, but something's on top of your stomach, making it harder to breathe. 

You manage to calm yourself down and looked around, trying to figure out the best way to get out. You start to push at the debris, but it just wasn't working. Frustrated tears pool in your eyes and you blink them away. This was hopeless. 

You faintly hear your name being called, but you can't call back loud enough for anyone to hear you. 

"Her tracker says she's in here," Tony's voice said, coming closer to the building. "That's not good." A few minutes later, light is filtering down on you while Tony, Bucky, Steve, and Natasha look down at you. Tony stays at the top as the others jump down beside you. 

Bucky and Steve work on getting the building debris off of you while Natasha kneels at your side. 

"You okay?" she asked, eyebrows furrow in concern. You manage to nod. Finally, all of the debris are off of you and Natasha helps you to your feet. You lean heavily on her, feeling weak. 

"You're alright," she soothed. "I've got you." I was safe. I was okay. My family rescued me. 

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