Panic Attack

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The Avengers were wary of Peter. After the events of Civil War, they were wary of Tony. And Peter was Tony's son, so they were wary of Peter. 

So, when he and Natasha were fighting and he suddenly fell to the floor, shaking and crying, she was very confused. 

"Tony!" she called, not taking her eyes off the boy. Tony ran to Peter's side, knowing exactly what was going on. 

"Peter, calm down. I'm right here. You're okay. Just calm down." It didn't seem to be working. "Hey Underoos. I'm right here." The nickname seemed to do it. That's the only way Peter knew for sure it was Tony. "Gosh kid, why are you wearing long sleeves, you're burning up." 

Tony pulled Peter's sleeves up and was shocked to see scars in the shape of chains. Peter finally realized what was going on and wrapped his arms around his knees, putting his head on them. 

"Peter, who did this?" Tony asked, as Natasha now crouched next to them. Peter started to shake violently and Tony had to calm him down again. 

"Flash. It was Flash," Peter whispered. "He said he'd kill me if I told anyone. I was-I was too scared. I didn't-I couldn't-" he cut himself off and started sobbing. Tony pulled him into his arms, calming the boy down. 

"It's okay, Peter. I won't let him hurt you." Tony promised himself he'd call the principal once this was over. A kid had hurt his son. Scarred him. He was going to be in trouble for it. 

"I'm sorry," Peter sobbed. "I'm sorry." 

"Peter, there's no reason to be sorry. You're okay." The other Avengers, who had come to see what was wrong, were shocked by what they saw. This kid was the opposite of Tony. And Tony cared about him. A lot. It was obvious. 

Tony held Peter until he had calmed down and long after that. Peter glanced down at his arms and then buried his face in Tony's chest. He hated them. He hated that Flash had called him his prisoner. 

Peter pulled his sleeves back down, not wanting to see them. He wrapped his arms around himself. They would make sure he was okay. 

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