Peter (Part 2)

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"Tony really cares about this kid," Natasha said, as the others ate breakfast in the morning. They all agreed with her. 

A few minutes later, the father-son duo walked in. Tony grabbed two bowls and got some cereal. They sat down at the island and started eating their breakfast in silence. Then Peter's iPad dinged with a notification. Tony glanced at it. 

"Ned and MJ." Peter picked up the iPad and brought it to him, messaging them back. Peter glanced over at Tony. 

"Would you be okay with them coming over?" 

"Sure." Peter messaged them back and put the iPad down. When everyone was in the living room, Jarvis announced two people. Peter stood up as his friends walked in. They both hugged him, MJ scolding him for leaving, and Ned saying he was so glad that Peter was back. Tony watched the exchange fondly. He was glad Peter had good friends. 

The kids got to talking and eventually made their way upstairs. Tony was on his computer as they were upstairs and the others were talking. 

"Tony, how long have you known this kid?" Natasha asked. 

"When was the fight in Germany? Two years? About then. You all know him as Spider-Man," Tony explained, not even looking at them. 

"You let a kid fight us?" Steve demanded. 

"Hey, Peter would've been Spider-Man whether I told him he could or not. He made the web shooters and a suit. All I did was advance the suit." 

"All he did was create the web shooters? He's exactly the same as you. Hiding behind a suit," Steve claimed. Tony glared at him. 

"No, he's not. He got his powers when he was bitten by a radioactive spider. He has the powers of a spider. He's probably stronger than even the Hulk. So no, he's not hiding behind a suit like I do." 

"So, you admit it?" Clint accused. 

"I'm done with this conversation." Tony stood up and walked out of the room. 

"C'mon guys," Bucky said. "He's obviously trying to be nice. Why are you trying to get under his skin? This kid has been good for him. Don't be rude about it." 

"Hey Dad-" Peter's voice died down as he realized his father wasn't in the room. "Hey Jarvis, where's Dad?" 

"He's coming up to find you, sir." Tony walked up a second later. 

"Oh, Peter, there you are." 

"Um, Ned wanted to know if I could show him footage from my cams." Ned and MJ walked down the stairs, as if they expected Tony to say yes. 

"Sure. I can put it on the TV." Peter, Ned, and MJ sat down while Tony brought up the footage. A video came up and Peter tensed. 

"Not that one," he said, scrambling for the iPad. 

"Why not?" 

"Because Toome dropped a building on me," he said quietly, and then grabbed the iPad from the shocked Tony. 

"Peter! Why didn't you tell me?" 

"Because I was trying to prove myself to you and what would you have said if I had asked for your help. 'If you can't use that suit, you shouldn't have it.'" 

"I would've helped, Peter," he shot back. The kid ignored him and played a different video. The Avengers and Peter's friends watched a few videos of Peter helping around the city. 

The other Avengers all exchanged glances. Bucky was right. This kid had helped Tony greatly. They just needed to give them a second chance. 

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