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Peter laid in bed, not sure what he wanted to do. He finally decided to go home to the tower. 

"Where are you going?" Jillian asked as Peter stood up. He sighed. 

"I'm going home." She suddenly pulled him back down, putting an arm around his neck. 

"You're not leaving," she said, firmly. "Get back in bed and go back to sleep." 


Tony got a text from Peter when he was in a meeting. Normally, he wouldn't answer texts, but it was Peter. 

"Tony, are you paying attention?" Steve demanded. The others looked at him. Five years and they had finally decided to get back together as the team. "Do you even care about this?" 

"I do," he responded, standing up. "I really do, but my kid's in trouble. Serious trouble. I have to go. Now." Without another word, he called his suit and flew off to Peter's house. 

Tony retracted his suit as he stepped silently inside. He walked to the kitchen and saw Peter curled into a ball as Jillian stabbed him multiple times. He was already bleeding from being beaten and now, he was receiving more cuts. 

Tony walked up to the girl and handcuffed her to the table, quickly calling the cops. He knelt beside Peter and gently picked his kid up. He was barely conscious. 

Tony flew back to the tower and to the Med Bay where he had called Bruce and told him to be. Tony set Peter down and Bruce shooed Tony out. 

"What's wrong?" Pepper asked, coming up with the other Avengers. Tony set his hands on her arms. 

"I'm not exactly sure how to say this, but Peter's getting a divorce with Jillian." 

"You mean she did that to him?" Tony nodded. Pepper's eyes welled up with tears and Tony pulled her into a hug. The Avengers were all shocked at how much Tony seemed to care for this boy. He hadn't really seemed to care about anyone before now. Pepper was the exception. 

Bruce came out about half an hour later. Tony didn't even wait for him to say anything. He walked to Peter's side, taking his hand. Peter looked up at him, looking hurt and broken. 

"It's okay, Pete," Tony said, softly. "You're safe now." He noticed the bags around Peter's eyes. "Hey, get some sleep. I'll stay right here until you fall asleep. I promise." Peter looked up at him once more before closing his eyes. Soon, he was asleep. But Tony didn't leave his side. 


Peter happened to wake up when Tony wasn't there. The other Avengers and Pepper convinced him to stay downstairs for awhile after breakfast. 

Anyway, Peter carefully got to his feet and walked to the door. He made his way downstairs where the Avengers were watching a movie. Silently, Peter went to sit by Tony, curling up next to him. Tony put a comforting arm around him and they continued to watch the movie. He would be okay. In time. 

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