Ezra-Part 2

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"Who are the people that were with you?" I asked, curiosity getting the better of me. They all smiled, but a different voice replied.

"We're your parents." 

I turned to see the two people I had seen from the video. They were both standing in the doorway, arms crossed. Tony was leaning against the doorway while Clint was just standing there. 

"And I believe it's been too long since we've seen you," Clint finished. 

"Fifteen years," I muttered, mostly to myself. Before they could respond, the door opened and my boyfriend stood there. 

"Hey, Ez, what're you doing here?" He asked. 

"Apparently, meeting my parents." He looked over at them, shocked, before smiling. 

"I see. And now that you know them, Ezra and I are dating." Their eyes widened slightly, but they seemed to approve. Peter walked over and pecked me on the lips. "You have a pretty cool family." Michael suddenly ran in and came to stand by me. 

"Why do have an emotional pet animal?" Tony asked. 

"Uh, no reason." 

"Ezra, they're your parents. You're going to have to tell them," Natasha said to me. I looked at the floor. 

"I have depression. Because I thought you abandoned me because you hated me." I didn't look up to meet their eyes. 

"We'll give you a few minutes," Steve said, before walking out. The two came to stand by me, both setting a hand on my shoulder. Tony set his hand under my chin and brought it up, so I looked up at them. 

"We could never hate you, Ezra," he said, softly. "And we regret putting you in this situation. We're really sorry." 

"And we love you," Clint finished, brushing his thumb over my cheek. I felt a tear roll down my cheek. They both pulled me into a hug. And I cried. Childish, sure, but I hadn't seen them in fifteen years and I had thought they hated me, but they didn't. 


Michael laid down beside me as I watched a movie. It'd been a few weeks since I'd moved into the house in Malibu. I sighed as I worked on my homework. Peter sat next to me, arm around my waist. 

"It's easy," he said, referring to my homework. He continued to explain how I was supposed to do the math. I just sighed and let my book fall onto the table. Michael looked up before laying back down. 

I turned towards Peter, resting my head against his shoulder. I closed my eyes, content with where I was as Peter ran a hand through my hair. He sighed. 

"I should get going." I made a sound of complaint. 

"Can't you stay?" I whined. He chuckled. 

"I wish, but I gotta go. I'll see you tomorrow." He hugged me closer for a second before standing up. He leaned down and kissed me before walking out. I looked down at Michael before scratching him behind the ear. 

Awhile later, Dad and Father came in and sat down beside me. They turned on a movie and we silently watched it, which was odd since Dad talked all the time. He pulled me closer to him as the movie ended. 

"Feeling better today?" I nodded. 

"Yeah. Peter was over for awhile. He helped me with my homework and then had to leave. That was the sad part." He smiled. 

"We love you, Ezra." 

"I love you too." 

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