Peter (Part 1)

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The Avengers had mourned for their friends. But they tried to move on. All except Tony. 

No one knew why Tony stayed locked up in his room. They all lost someone. Tony just needed to get over it like everyone else did. 

Meanwhile, Tony paced his floor. Usually, he had okay days where he could stay calm, but today was just triggering him. It had been five months since they had all been put in the stone. He desperately needed to get Peter back. 

Sometimes the pain felt so bad that Tony would cry for hours, trying not to think of his intern. His son. 

Tony crept to the door. It was late. Normally, everyone would be asleep by now, and he needed to get the iPad he had left in the kitchen. It was Peter's and he had some videos and pictures that Tony wanted to see. They helped him calm down when he got like this. 

Tony opened the door and quietly went downstairs. He snuck into the kitchen and grabbed the iPad. The light suddenly flicked on and he let out a breath. They'd caught him. 

"Alright Tony," Steve said, arms crossed. "We all lost someone. Why are you the only one locked up in your room? You're no different than any of us." 

"I never said you were," he muttered, causing the others' eyes to widen slightly. "Can you just leave me alone?" 

"No. We need to know why you're like this." 

"He was just a kid. He just wanted to help. And I let him. Now, his ashes are spread on Titan. I didn't just lose Pepper. I lost my son." 

"Sir, the missing Avengers just appeared in the living room with Peter." 

Tony immediately ran into the living room. The others all looked disoriented. Except Peter, who was looking around. As soon as he saw Tony, he was in his arms. 

"I'm sorry," he whispered. "I'm so sorry." He was crying now. 

"Don't apologize, Peter. Please," Tony whispered back, holding tightly to the boy. "Just promise me you won't do it again." 

"I won't." The other Avengers watched the reunion, shocked at how much Tony seemed to care for this boy. "I love you, Dad," Peter muttered. 

"I love you too, Pete." 

"It's late," Bruce said. "We should all get some sleep." Tony stepped away from Peter, keeping his hand, though. 

"C'mon, Underoos," he said, softly. Tony led Peter up to the kid's room and they walked over to the bed, laying down. Peter fell asleep in his father's arms, finally safe. 

Avengers-One ShotsOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora