Saved From The Whipping Post

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"Loki Laufeyson, for your actions, you are sentenced to the whipping post," Odin announced. Loki was knelt in front of him. He just bowed his head in response. He deserved it. He killed all those people. Sure, he didn't mean to, but he did. And it couldn't be undone. 

Two guards pulled Loki to his feet and escorted him out of the room. Thor watched with a solemn expression. 

"This isn't fair!" Tony exclaimed. The Avengers had been brought along to help with his punishment. Odin looked at the mortal. 

"It is fair. And you will watch." 

Loki was in his cell when the guards came again. They shackled his wrists and ankles, then walked him outside. And everyone cheered. No one here ever loved him. The only ones who seemed somewhat sad was, Thor, the Avengers, and Heimdall. He had always had a soft spot for the mischief maker. 

Loki was walked to the post and they secured his hands to it. A man stepped forward with a whip in hand. Everyone knew the rules. You were beat until you made a sound. They all expected him to scream the first go just to get out of it. Oh, how surprised they were. 

They counted to a thousand lashes before Loki grunted in pain. It was silent. No one expected that from him. The guards stepped forward and unbound his hands, pretty much dragging him back to his cell since he could barely walk. 

A few doctors came in and took care of his injuries before leaving. Loki stared at the wall for a long time until he started crying. And once he started, he couldn't stop the muffled sobs that escaped his lips. Just like a newborn child, he cried himself to sleep in his cold cell. 

The Avengers felt bad for the god. That was brutal. They knew they had to do something. 

"We'll take Loki into our custody," Tony announced to Odin. "He'll stay at the tower and won't cause any problems." Odin seemed thoughtful of this before agreeing. 

The next morning, Loki was awoken by a kick to the back. He gasped out in pain, eyes flying open. There was a guard there, a smirk on his face. 

"The King requests your presence," he said. When Loki didn't move, he continued to kick him until the god quickly stood up, gaining a cruel smile from the man. 

Loki was quickly changed into his normal clothes, as he was to look presentable in front of the King. He was brought into the throne room in shackles, eyes trained on the floor the whole time. Before he even had the chance to kneel, the stupid guard kicked the back of his knee, forcing him to the ground. He kept his head down, though, and didn't respond. 

"Loki," Odin said, voice soft as he saw the condition his son was in. He was willing to do as told. Broken. "You will be going to Midgard and staying with the Avengers and your brother until I decide you may come back." 

"Yes, my lord," he spoke quietly, voice raw from the crying he had down the night before. The guard dragged Loki to his feet and he cried out in pain. 

"Leave," Odin told the guard. He bowed and left the room. Loki took a few shaking breaths, trying to ease the pain. It didn't work, but the pain slowly went down to a dull throb. 

The other guard released Loki of his shackles and Thor stepped forward, gently guiding Loki back to the bifrost. He still didn't look up. 

Heimdall sent Loki, Thor, and the Avengers back to the tower. Once they got there, Loki was expecting a cell, but no one moved to put him in one. 

"Loki, you're safe," Thor said to his brother. "No one will hurt you." Loki fell to his knees with his arms wrapped around himself, sobbing. It hurt so much. And he couldn't believe he was safe. These people hated him. 

But maybe. Just maybe. He was safe. 

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