Ezra and Tony

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"Please come home. I miss you." 


"Ezra really misses you, too. Come home soon. I love you." 


"Parent teacher conferences are coming up soon. Ezra would really like you to be there. Please, come home." 


"Parent teacher conferences were yesterday. Ezra wants to talk to you. He wants a sister." 


"I'm really sorry, but since you weren't here, I had to make a decision. I adopted a baby. Her name is Lily." 


"Clint, please. I need you. I can't parent on my own." 


"Lloyd wants to get back together. Please, call me." 


"I told Lloyd no, but he keeps coming back to the house. I don't know what to do." 


"Ezra and Lily are in danger. If you don't care about me, then whatever, but please get them somewhere safe. Please, come home." 


"Clint, please. He beat me yesterday and I think he's moving onto Ezra. Please, I don't want him to have this childhood. Come home." 


"Please. I don't know what to do. He keeps hurting me and saying I deserve it. Clint, please. Help me." 


As the last one played, I already had my keys in hand, walking out the door. I had been gone on a mission this whole time and missed all of this. I had to help them. 

I drove quickly to the house in Malibu and went in as soon as I got there. I ran up to Ezra's room and pushed the door opened, feeling my stomach drop at the sight in front of me. Ezra laid beaten on the ground, unconscious. 

I carefully picked him up and set him on the bed. I quickly took care of his wounds and was about to stand up when I was tackled in a hug. I hugged Ezra back as he cried into my shoulder. 

"It's okay, Ez," I said, soothing, running a hand through his hair. "I'm here. He won't hurt you." 

"Dad," he whispered, once he was calm. "Go help Papa. Please." 

"Where's Lily?" I asked, as I stood up. "Did he do anything to her?" Ezra shook his head and I breathed a sigh of relief. "Stay here, okay? If you hear anyone, hide in the bathroom and lock the door. I'll come get you, okay?" He nodded. I pressed a kiss to his forehead. "I'm so sorry, Ez. I love you." 

"I love you too." I stood up and left the room, going swiftly up to mine and Tony's room. I silently opened the door. Tony was laying on the bed, hands tied to the headboard. Lloyd was kissing him. I could tell he had also hurt him. 

I walked silently up to them and hit Lloyd hard in the back of the head. Then, I moved to Tony. Tears streaked his face as he looked up at me, immediately looking away. I untied his hands and he turned away, starting to cry. His back was bleeding from where he had been beat. 

"Tony," I said, softly, setting my hand on his arm. He started crying harder. I gently moved him, so he was leaning against me, head on my chest. I ran a soothing hand through his hair until he calmed down. "I'm sorry. I should've been here." He sniffed, curling closer to me. 

"What about Ezra?" he whispered. I pressed a gentle kiss to the top of his head. 

"He's okay. I should go let him know it's okay." Tony nodded, pushing away from me. I reached up and brushed my finger along his jaw. "I'll be back in a few minutes." He nodded, arms pulled around himself. 

I stood up and saw that Lloyd wasn't there. Jarvis had taken care of him. 


When I came back into our room, Tony was on the opposite side of the room, holding something in his arms. It must've been Lily. I could see his torso was bandaged underneath his shirt. 

I walked over and wrapped my arms around his waist. He tensed. I was hoping he'd relax, but he never did. 

"Hey," I said, softly. "It's just me. You're okay." He turned his head away and I saw a tear streak down his cheek. "I won't let anyone hurt you." I pressed a gentle kiss to his cheek and he slowly relaxed in my arms. I looked down at Lily. She couldn't have been older than ten months. I held my finger out and she wrapped her chubby little fist around it. 


"Dad? Papa?" a quiet voice whispered in the night. Tony and I both looked up to see Ezra there. He looked down as soon as we saw him. "I, uh, had a bad dream." 

"C'mere, Ez," Tony said, softly. Ezra walked over and laid down next to Tony, who wrapped an arm around his waist, copying my position to him. Soon, the other two were fast asleep. I smiled to myself. I was going to be here for my family. That was a promise. 

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