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Tony and Clint had to go on a mission for fifteen years. Natasha had taken care of Ezra since he was one. He was sixteen now. 

"Don't get into any trouble," Natasha spoke, as she started to walk away. "I'll only be in the meeting for an hour. Meet me back here then." Ezra nodded and watched as he left. Then, he started wandering the base. 

He came to a room where there were videos playing. After a few minutes, he hacked the password, getting him into the room. He slipped into the room and stayed in the shadows, in case someone walked by and saw him. 

The videos consisted of what seemed to be missions. But a few of them seemed to be two people just having fun. 

"C'mon Clint," the man with the goatee said, pulling a blond haired man behind him. They stopped at the edge of a building, seeming to smile up at the stars. "My mom used to tell me that when you die, you become a star and look down over your family. I think that one's my mom and my dad's next to her." He pointed up at the two stars. The blond man looked back at him, smiling as he stared up at the stars. He finally noticed him staring. "What?" 

"I just realized how much I love you." They kissed and the video ended. 

"Do you really think this could work?" the darker haired man from the last video asked. Clint smiled. 

"Are you scared? The Tony Stark is scared of heights." The man, Tony, crossed his arms, pouting slightly. 

"That's not fair. A lot of people are scared of heights." He stepped closer and Tony took a small step back, losing his step in the process. He yelled out to the man, who grabbed his hand, pulling him back up. They were inches apart now. 

"Do you really think I would've let you fall?" The video cut. 

The next video came up with Aunt Natasha, Clint, and Tony standing around a room with Uncle Steve, Uncle Bruce, and Uncle Bucky. 

"Do we really have to do this?" Bucky complained. "It's stupid. Team building is stupid." 

"Until you win," Tony pointed out. "Then, you'll care. Because I'll buy lunch for however wins." 

"I seem to be suddenly interested in this team building." They all rolled their eyes. 

"Alright. Whoever finds Ezra first, wins." I felt myself freeze. They were in the Shield base. I was in the Shield base. Natasha was going to kill me. But I decided to continue watching. 

Clint and Tony were a group, Bucky and Steve, and Natasha and Bruce. They split up to search for me, but I only saw Clint and Tony's perspective. 

"Wonder what he'll think of us," Clint commented. Tony nodded. 

"Fifteen years is a long time to be gone. The others didn't say anything, so we'll have to tell him everything. I hope he likes us." Clint nodded in agreement. 

"Oh, so this is where you are," a voice behind me said. I jumped, turning to face my Uncles and Aunt. "I thought I told you to meet me back in an hour." I shrugged innocently. 

"Oops?" Tasha rolled her eyes. 

"You're just like your fathers." 

"Fathers?" I asked. "I always thought I had a mom. I mean, not that it bugs me. I have a boyfriend and-" 

"Since when?" Bruce asked. I paused, realizing what I had just said. I winced slightly. 

"A few months ago. But with the director of SHIELD coming back, you've all been busy, so I just decided not to tell you. I mean, I don't really know what my parents' standards are, so I didn't mention it." Natasha's eyes softened. 

"Were you afraid we wouldn't like you? You know, your uncles are married. And your parents, for that matter." 

"No. No, that's not what I'm saying. You were all just busy, so I let you do your work." Steve sighed. 

"Ezra, we didn't mean to be so busy. And we're sorry. We should've spent more time with you." I nodded. 

"Who are the people that were with you?" I asked, curiosity getting the better of me. They all smiled, but a different voice replied. 

"We're your parents." 

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