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"Don't go," Laura said to me. "Stay here with me." Clint forced a smile. He really wanted to leave. And he had hoped he could get away without being heard. Apparently not. 

"Sorry, but I was called on a mission. I have to go." Not really. I just wanted out of there. Laura stood up to kiss me. Instead, a knife was placed at my neck. 

"You're not going anywhere." 

Natasha's POV

My watch made a noise and I looked down at it. Clint's way of saying he needed help. Now. 

His tracker told me he was home. I got into a car and quickly drove over. When I got there, I crept inside and went upstairs. I opened the door to his room and froze for a moment. 

Clint's hands were pinned to the wall with knives and Laura was kissing him. I walked over and knocked her hard over the head, falling her. I looked up at Clint. Tears streamed down his face. I reached up and brushed his tears away. 

"It's okay," I said, softly. "I won't let her hurt you, okay?" He looked down and I pulled the knives out of his hands. They fell to his side. I guided him into the bathroom and cleaned his wounds, bandaging him. 

I pulled Clint into a hug. He hugged me back, burying his face in my neck. His shoulders shook and I knew he was crying. I just rubbed his back, hoping to calm him down. Soon, his breathing was back to normal. 

"How long?" I asked, softly. 

"A month after we got married," he said, quietly, as if something would happen. It broke my heart. 

"I won't let her hurt you, Clint. It's okay. Let's go home." He nodded. I told Clint to meet me in the car and then I called the police. Then, I got into the car and drove us back to New York City. We got back to the tower and I parked in the garage, looking over at Clint. He was gazing out the window. I reached over and took his hand. He slowly looked back at me. 

"Hey, you're safe now. None of us will let her hurt you again, okay?" He nodded. We got out of the car and went upstairs. 

"Hey, Clint, it's been awhile. I thought you were home," Tony said, as we walked into the commons. Clint turned away from them and I saw tears in his eyes. I stopped him before he could leave. The others were shooting us questioning looks. 

"Can I tell them?" He looked back at me and nodded. I kept my hold on him, so he wouldn't leave, and looked at the others. 

"Laura has been hurting him. He contacted me today and she's taken care of." The others understood now and looked at Clint with concerned looks. I looked up at him. 

"It's gonna be okay." 

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