Ch. 1 New Life

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THE SEQUEL IS HERE!!!! I said it was coming soon and I made sure it would. Looking forward to writing this because this is my first sequel.  

Dedicating this to you guys who commented, voted, and fanned after reading the prequel. thanks for sticking around.  

This is in Ashley's, Dylan's, and Greg's point of views.  

remember to click on the external link to "like" my facebook page.  

Banners anyone? You know i'm not one to ask that kind of question constantly. so give me just one? anyway....  



"Are you going to finish that?" my roommate asked as he stared at my food in my hand. Can you say moocher?

"It's half way to my mouth and you want to ask me that question? Go get your own food Taylor," I said before stuffing my mouth with a blue berry muffin.

"But Ashley the cafeteria is on the other side of the school. I am starving so I want food now," Taylor whined as he banged his head on the table.

"I guess you're not as hungry as you say or you'd go to the cafeteria right now," I said as I opened my orange juice.

"Class is starting any minute though. I can't skip class on the first day," he said as he sat up and stared at the clock hanging over the chalkboard.

"Well my friend you should have thought of waking up earlier like me. Sucks to be you right now," I said after drinking most of my orange juice.

"You're mean"

"You're lazy"

He laughed and then groaned when his stomach growled. I couldn't help but laugh myself until I saw the teacher walk in. Ms. Love's writing class is what I needed to get the credits for my major. Taylor was majoring in something different but needed the same class.

"Welcome class, Ms. Love is the name and writing is my expertise. If you asked for this class because you thought this would be a blow off class then I suggest you leave this room. I'm no easy professor and I don't tolerate slackers," she said as soon as she grabbed a piece a chalk and wrote her name on the board.

Suddenly I hear movement all around me. I looked around the classroom to see people get up and leave. It started out at twenty four students and now it went down to twelve. I looked over at Taylor and he was surprised to see so many people leave.

"Happens every semester," Ms. love mumbles as she continued to write on the chalkboard. She must get tired of telling everyone how she teaches the class.

"I'm starting to regret taking this class Ash," Taylor whispers as he watched Ms. Love. I couldn't agree more. It would suck if we failed the one class we needed to get our degrees.

"We'll just have to try our best huh buddy," I said as I began to write the notes on the board after Ms. Love sat at her desk.

I'm actually excited that I'm going to be done with college soon. I just wish that Dylan was here to do it too. I wonder if he's awake yet and what he's been up to. I'm sure everyone notices that I still think about him.

When are you coming back?


It's been three years and I still haven't had the chance to be face to face with Ben. He's always one step ahead of me. I must say he's good at staying out of sight especially when his face is plastered on every front page of newspapers. My leads always end cold by the end of the day. The last news of his whereabouts was when he arrived in Virginia.

"Virginia? What is there for Ben? He never mentioned that he had been there to me," mom said as soon as I told her the news on my cell phone. She wouldn't let me leave New York without promising that I would keep her updated.

"Are you sure? He seems to be going to cities where he knows people or owns a house. I'm in California right now so I'll be heading to Virginia tomorrow," I said knowing she would ask where I was and when I was going to leave again.

"Okay sweetie be careful. love you," she said. She thinks what I'm doing is suicide.

"Love you too mom," I said before hanging up my cell phone. Today I relax and tomorrow I go on another road trip. Oh crap I forgot to call Greg.


I'm bored out of my mind because I can't sleep. I just had to choose a class that started an hour later then everyone else's. Can I get a text message, a phone call, a invite to breakfast? I wish the darn television didn't blow out. Oh my phone is vibrating. I guess it works when you beg.

"Greg? dude I forgot to call you again. I got new info on Ben and I'm going to go have a look for myself," Dylan said as soon as I answered my phone. He must have gotten a call from mother dearest. She worries too much I think.

"Really? Where is he headed now?" I asked getting off my bed. I'm wide awake for sure now. I had a feeling that Dylan wasn't going to get to Ben so easily.

"Well apparently he decided to go-" Oh no the door is opening.

"Greg have you seen my philosophy book? I need it for my next class," Sam said as she barged into the dorm room. She still thinks Dylan is laying in a bed somewhere. She can't know I've been talking to him all this time, she'd kill me.

"Oh I think I saw it under your bed." I'm just guessing.

"Greg! Did you hear me?" I do. I do.

"No mom I don't think pigs can fly" Wow that is the lamest thing I've ever came up with.

"It's not there. I so don't want to buy another one." She probably left it at Ashley's dorm.

"What the hell are you on man? I'm trying to tell you something important!"

"I know mom. Sam's here and she's missing a book so I'll have to call you back okay?"

"Tell your mom I said hi!"

"Oh damn I should go then."

"Yeah I'll call you back later. Sam says hi by the way."

As soon as Dylan hanged up, I did the same. That was too close. It's always easier keeping this secret during the summer but during the school year, it gets tough. One of these days someone is going to walk in on me talking to Dylan and I'm going to have some serious explaining to do. I really hope Dylan finds Ben so he can get back. Things were never the same after he was gone. I hope Ashley hasn't moved on yet.

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