Chapter 1

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"Hi, are you guys hiring?" I asked the bartender.

"Yeh, you got a resume?" She said with an Australian accent.

"Here." She glanced through the paper.

"Honey, You've never work at a bar before." I panicked. "Yeh, but I'm a quick learner, give me a chance... please."

She stared at me with a pair of blue eyes. I look back at her and I feel like I would get lost in it. "Sure, but you better be a 'very fast learner'."

A wide smile appears on my face. "Thank you so much!" I reach out for a handshake. "My name is Y/N." She smirked and shakes my hand. "I'm Lou."

You know, working at a bar is much more busier than being a Broadway star's assistant. Let alone making and serving drinks, the shift from 9 pm to 4 pm is the toughest. And then there's the clean up I have to do after it closes. I'm definitely not a late night sleeper. I just hope I don't look like a walking zombie every night.

"Hey." I turn towards the voice.

"Hi, boss. I thought you left." She smirks again. She really love to smirk. Huh.

"Something came up. You wanna make me something? I need to clean up my throat." Lou walks towards the bar stool and sit there.

"Sure. What would you like?" I put my mop aside, and walk behind the bar.

"Surprise me." I look at her for a moment. I grab a glass and quickly pour one out for her. Lou take a sip and looked at me blankly.

"Water... Err... Why?" I chuckle "you said, surprise you." She looked away try to hide her smile.

Suddenly a woman comes out of the bathroom. Lou keeps drinking as she approaches her. "Hey, here. This is my number. call me, okay?"

I walked away and make sure I'm not bothering them. They seem close, but not really. I'm not sure. I go back to moping the floor and clean up the garbage.

"Sure." Lou answers without looking at her. The woman then kisses her cheek and walk out the door. 'So my boss is a player.' I thought to myself. Then there is a crumble paper throw towards me.

"What?" I picked it up. "Did you just throw away her number?" She turns around with the glass on her right hand. "I don't do relationship." I didn't say anything and just continue my job. I think I know what she means.

"Hurry up and finish it. I've got lock it up." Lou said with a lazy voice. "Hurrying." I quickly finish what's left and get my stuff. I walk towards the door as Lou follows. She locks the door as I throw away the garbage out front.

"Good night, boss." I said.

"Don't call me that. Just Lou." She said as she walk toward a bike.

"Need a lift home?" She hands me an old helmet.

"No, I'm already home." I point up stair. "You live next to my bar?"

"Yeh. Its convenient and I don't have to get up early." I said lazily.

"Anyway, I'll see you tomorrow... I mean tonight. Bye, boss... I mean, Lou." She smirked. Again. "Mhm".

She drive off and I get up stair to my apartment. So tired. I lay on my bed and think, Lou is kind of cool. Especially her eyes. There's something about it. Maybe that's why she attracts so many women. Maybe.... I slowly felt asleep.

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