Chapter 8

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"sSup! Y/n" Kevin yells. 

"hi, you seem excited." He take a seat in front of me and takes out a huge box of Lego. "I spent all the tips from your shift for this." 

He puts it on a counter, displaying it in front of me. The box is huge I can barely see pass the box. 

"You know this is not a Lego store." A very familiar Australian accent. 

"I know, I'm just showing it to her." Kevin whines. 

"you're on my seat."I can't help but smile to Lou's voice. He shift to another seat and move his Lego box aside. 

"hey." Lou's wearing a blue blazer and t-shirts inside. 

"hi." I look up and down with a blush. 

"enjoy your view?" lou smirk. Before I can speak. "very much. I can wait to build this." Kevin said with much excitement. 

I chuckle but Lou looks at him very much annoyed. "Kevin, why don't you go home and build it then?" I ask. "yeh drinks arent free here." Lou adds. 

"I will, y/n. Do you think I should keep box, it's a very nice box." I pass a drink to Lou. 

"sure. It got a very nice shade of blue." 

"nice shade of blue?" Lou sip on her drink. 

"yeh blue is my favorite color." I said it innocently. Lou looks away with a wide smile. 'Did she just blush?' 

"I like blue too." Kevin adds. "you're like a kid. Go home already. Or I'll kick you out." Lou starts to get annoyed of his presence. 

"fine. Jeez." Kevin put his backpack and hold the Lego box above his head. "bye boss. Bye y/n." 

"bye." I give him a wave. "he kinda cute." Lou raise an eyebrow. 

"so you have type." 

"what type." 


I'm surprise "he's from Australia too?" I pause. "wait. He is not your son. Is he?" I joke and laugh. 

Lou frowns her brow. "of course not. The only thing I do that's straight is park straight." I giggle. That's funny. 

"how did you guys meet anyway?" 

"give me a beer and I'll tell you." I'm having flashbacks. "wait ... last time you said that you were basically crying. Is this the same type of relationship that you have with debbie?" 

Lou rolls her eyes. "Jesus, honey. Just give me a damn beer. This water is so plain." She is adorable. "here." I hand over the beer and she pass me her glass of water. I start to wash her glass. 

"so..." Lou looks at me as she chuck down half of the beer. 

"I'm Just curious." I whine. 


"fine. You don't wanna tell me...." I pout. 

"you're adorable when you're annoyed." Okay that's not fair. She can't just turn my face red instantly like a magician. 

"He work at this club before I took over. He know his way around the club."  

"so you rely on him a lot?" 

"yeh." She nods. "and he good at what his doing. Except his love video game, ghost busters. and Lego. I mean, he's 30 and no wonder he doesn't have a girlfriend."

I look at Lou blankly. "what's wrong with video game?" I can see lou is questioning me with her gesture. "I played games... long time ago.... When I was in high school......ok stop staring." She chuckles. 

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