Chapter 15

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"Come on, tell me." Lou follows me as we head toward the club. 

"argh, Lou Miller. This is the fifth time you ask." she is getting on my nerve. 

"Today is my birthday." She exclaims. 

"no. Tomorrow is." I walk into the club. 

"It's tonight, same difference." I just shake my head and get to my station. 

"come on, show me." Lou just keeps whining. 

"go to work. Blondie. I'll show you tonight." I pass her my bag, so she can put it on her office. 

"fine." she pouts and head upstairs.

"Tonight is SO pack!" Kevin comes back from serving drinks. 

"yeh. I texted Lou. She is coming down." I keep pass out drinks. 

"Tell her, hurry up!" He yelps when he left. Where is she. I text her like ten minutes ago. 

"I'm here." Lou walks quickly to me. 

"here. Start working." I shovel some glass to her. 

"got it." she grins. "by the way." I look over to her. "I want my present." 

"now, you're doing this to irritate me." 

"I am." she crackles.

Later that night.

I rush myself and finish cleaning all the glass. "Kev. I'm gonna head out." I walk toward the door. "you're not gonna wait for the boss?" he lay his head on the counter. "No. Bye." I left in a hurry. I have to get ready for Lou.

I get upstairs to my apartment and take a quick shower. I take out her cake and lit the candles. I then go inside the bedroom and get her gift. I smile as I take it out. Lou's been looking around the house to find this. Under the bed, inside the bathroom, and even the oven. I shake my head, I'm glad she didn't look through my clothes.

"Honey, where are you?" Lou's home. I walk out immediately. 

"Happy birthday!" I can see her face lit up with a smile. 

"Thanks. I was wondering where you went." I walk over to her and give her a kiss. 

"Here. So you can stop asking me." I jokes as I give her a bag. 

She gasps. "FINALLY, you know, I've been waiting for this." she keeps smiling. 

"oh yeh? I haven't notice." I chuckle. 

We sit down at the dinner table, and Lou take out the box. "oh. this looks fancy." she rotate it around. 

"Open it." I said. She looks at me and I nod to her. 

Lou rips open the wrapper and open the box. She immediately gasps. "honey, you didn't!" I just keep grinning. "woah! A watch from Cartier?! Woah." Lou looks so happy and looks adorable opening her gift. "woah!" she repeats. 

I can't help but laugh out loud. "try it on." I help her put it on. It's a silver titanium watch. I thought it will look cool on her. 

"Honey, I love it." she looks at her wrist and turns to me. "Thanks!" She hugs me tightly. 

"heh. I thought it will look good on you. And I was right." I see her still smiling. Aww. "oh, you should look at the back." I point at the watch. Lou takes it off and flip it over.

I love you, dork. 

Lou burst into laughs. "I'm not a dork." she protests but can't keep a straight face. 

"you are. And I love it." I said softly. she looks at me with her smile. 

"I love you too, honey." She continues, "this is the best. Thanks." Indeed, this is the best birthday for Lou.

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