Chapter 9

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I open my eyes slowly. It's so bright in this apartment. I look around and feel someone's arm is wrap around me. I turn around and sees Lou. Sleeping... and snoring. I laugh. I lean close to her where our nose basically touches. 'Lou's beautiful.' 

We stay still for a few moments before she shifts. "hmm.... deb...." 

I froze. 'what... did she just say...' Lou opens her eye and looks around. She finds my eyes staring at hers. I look away immediately. 

"Hey. Honey." Lou hugs me lazily. "hmm. You smell good." I don't know how to responds. What do I do. 

"what's wrong?" she ask. I get up and left her. "you sleep talks." 

 "so?" she stretches and yawn. "you said, deb." 

I can see her pause. "no. You must heard it wrong." I wish I had. 

"I should go now." I tell her as I get up and get dress. "need a ride?"

"No, its fine." Lou goes back to sleep when I left her apartment. 'what does that mean, she still loves her?' I ask myself as I walk home.

Tonight, the club is packed. I walk pass bunch of sweaty people towards the bar. "Hey, you're late." Kevin said. "sorry." I apologize. "I'm kidding. You're thirty second early." he puts two thumbs up. I shake my head and look around. But I don't see Lou. "I'm glad you're here. This place is so full tonight. I think there's a party or something." I just nod in agreement. Not really in a mood of conversation right.

As the night goes on. Drink orders are just piling up. There are some sort of party, but I don't see the host at all. "where's Lou? We could use her help." I ask. 

"don't know." Kevin replies with a frowny face. 

"Wooo. There she is." some girl yells. I look towards the door. I thought it was Lou. But it's someone else. Someone I know. "congratulations, Santana." "yeh. Congrts!" There are lot of people surrounding her. 'No fucking way! How did she know where I works?' I clutch my fist. Today just gets worse.

"y/n. We need a bucket of beers!" Kevin squeal. 

"It's right there! And here, bring this too." I shovel bunch of drink towards him. "got it. Boss." He left with a salute. 

"Is that your new boyfriend?" I look towards the voice. 

"No. what are you doing here, Santana?" She sits in front of me. She is wearing the leather jack I brought for her. That brings back memories. 

"what do you think?" she looks at me like I know the answer. 

"No. Don't do that." I keep washing the glass. 

"It's been three years. Come on. It's time for you to come home." 

I throw the cloth into the sink angrily. "No! I'm not going back to you. I made myself clear when I left you." I Inhale. "and in case you didn't know you fuck it up, let me reminds you!" I take another breath. "you fucking cheated, okay! And with many, many others." I just yells at her and look around. I'm so glad the music is so loud. 

"baby." She pauses. "I'm sorry. just give me another chance." Santana looks straight at me. 

"I can't." I told her harshly. "Cause your new girlfriend, Lou?" She said with a cynical tone. 

"what.. How did you know? ... Did you follow me?"

"I needed to know where you went after all these years." she admits. 

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