Chapter 11

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"Looks clean." I comment. "it took quite sometimes." Lou head towards the kitchen. 

"water?" she puts down the New York Times. "sure." I answer then sits down in the couch. 

Lou comes back with a hand full of drinks. "why you bring beers?" I question. 

"I thought you might need it." she hands me a bottle of water. 

"don't you have a mug for me?" I whine. "a mug means I have to do dishes. I don't do dishes."

"I'll do it for you." I'm trying to diverge Lou's attention. I think it's working as she smiles, "I haven't use any mug for years."

"not even for coffee?" 

"they have a cup for me whenever I buy it, so ... why bother." 

"we should go shopping later. I need to buy a few things too."

"like what?" Lou pop open a beer. "a mug for you." She looks at me as she drinks her beer. "hmm."

She suddenly stops, "hold on, we're not going anywhere till you tell me." she shallow. "I want to know." 

'damn it, it didn't work.' I sink into the couch.

"I don't know where to start." I play with my shirt. "How about I ask and you answer?" I nod reluctantly. 

"What happened?" she holds her beer and lay sideways next to me. "that's a very general question." I joke. But Lou just stare at me seriously.

"...she cheated." I look down. "... with many others." 

"did you break up with her." 

"of course." I swallow. 

"why is she in the club?" Lou ask with very thick Australian accent. "she found me." I try to avoid eye contact. 

"it's not our first time breaking up. We been going back and forth a lot." I grab a pillow and hug it closely. "we kept breaking up and getting back together. That's pretty much the formula for our relationship." 

I grab a beer. "here. Let me open it." Lou pop it open swiftly. I chuck down nearly half of it. "why did you keep going back to her?" 

"because I loved her, and I can't think of anyone else would give a shit about me." Lou's expression turns soft. "honey...." 

I laugh at myself "I'm fine. I've got my beer. Cheers." I try to smile. "cheers honey." She moves closer to me and make sure I can lean on her. 

"what about now?" I look at her. "are you going back to her?" 

"no. No. I wouldn't. I mean I would of, if I didn't met you." I continue. "I mean, the things with Santana and I is always the same thing. That's why I started to run away. I want to go someplace where she can't find me. And start a new." 

"how did she find you this time?" Lou ask.

I take a sip. "she had someone followed me. Then she finds out about you. Probably that's why she was so horrify and angry." Now I'm having flashbacks of how she grabs my wrist. I didn't know I started to tear up. "she'll probably come back one day with some tricks up in her sleeve and I had to go back to her." Lou cups my cheek and start wiping off my tears. 

"I won't let that happen." 

"you would of, if she starts to threaten your life." 

"what's that mean?" She questions.

"she's been doing this since high school. Manipulating stuff. and now that she has money. It's a lot easier for her." I shrug. 

"I won't let that happen. Lou repeats. "I've my connections too, you know." 

"I wouldn't want you to get hurt." I look at her.

"I won't honey. And I'm definitely not letting you go back to that kind of life." Lou's reassuring starts to work. 

"thanks, Lou." I lean close to her shoulder. 

"I wish I meet you earlier." Lou smile softly. "its never too late." She kisses my forehead. 

"yeh." Lou's right. Been with Lou feels more secure in a way, unlike Santana who always outside and never got time for me. "Lou?" 


"thank you for being here." 

"anytime, honey." 

"and I want to thank you for yesterday night. Thanks for stepping in." I holds Lou's hand. Lou's expression is soft. She takes my hand and kiss it. "anytime."

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