Critical Fail

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"I'm going to need you all to throw a dex save right now", Chan announces. This is immediately followed by an annoyed groaning from Changbin – who always has the worst type of luck with saving throws – and Felix scowling.

"Oh come on, do you really need to sink that goddamn boat right now? Please tell me it's not some kind of fish people, I really don't want to fight fish people again."

Chan rolls his eyes at the comment but decides to ignore it this time. He's spent most of his first semester at university and away from his friends back at home with preparing the next combat encounters for the campaign they got stuck playing before he left and he's not going to let Felix's complaining about his lack of creativity when coming up with monsters get in the way of that. Also, it's not fish people. At least not this time.

"That's a D-Twenty, right?", Jisung asks. Chan can hear Changbin mutter something about how he is surrounded by idiots and maybe he would also comment something like that, but it's been a while since they last played so he decides to cut Jisung some slack. After all, it is their first session after almost half a year and with him gone they couldn't really continue their campaign and they probably would have felt bad about replacing him with someone else and starting new without him. Chan may have left them because he graduated and went on to university first but they stuck around to wait for him to come back and finish what he had started. Also, Jisung has never fully figured out this game either way. He almost certainly has never actually read the rule book himself and all his knowledge come from the other three explaining and correcting him time and time again. Jisung asking questions like this is nothing new. And Chan is way too patient and lenient of a DM to scold a player over asking questions.

"Yep and don't forget to add your ability modifier to your throw."

Jisung nods and then searches the table for his dice that he last touched a couple of minutes ago but has already lost sight of again. Striped brown, pink and a soft yellow. Neapolitan ice cream. A set he bought online a while ago when they first started playing and he didn't want to continue borrowing dice from Chan and Felix for all eternity. Changbin refuses to let anyone borrow dice from him because he is protective of the ones he has. Mostly custom sets as well, he has one made of actual semiprecious stones that he never uses but proudly displays on his shelf next to a tattered collector's edition of Lord of the Rings. Yet Felix is probably the biggest dice collector in their group. He has always liked all things cute and pretty and over the years has grown a collection of aesthetic dice he finds on Etsy. Mostly see-through material but with some flowers or something in the middle. The ones he is using today are shimmering slightly blue and have small goldfish in the middle. Chan patiently waits for them all to roll with more or less enthusiasm and prays that no dice will end up on the floor or being thrown around this time.

"Okay, we'll go round, starting with Felix, everyone please tell me what you-"

Chan gets cut off in the middle of his sentence by the loud creaking sound of the door to their little hideout being pushed open. Time seems to slow down for a bit as all four of them turn their heads to look at who interrupted them. A boy is standing in the doorway. A very pretty boy with brown doe eyes opened wide in surprise, full lips slightly parted for a silent gasp. Strands of black hair fall into his face in a way that seems messy and unplanned and yet looks so perfect that Chan is sure the boy spent hours in front of a mirror this morning to make sure his hair falls into his face in just the right way to make him look effortlessly perfect. He's wearing a light blue apron, the logo of the small coffee shop Jisung's parents run printed onto his chest and overall he looks like he just walked straight out of that Coffee Prince drama that Chan totally has never watched and only knows because Felix won't shut up about it. After the prolonged second that somehow stretched into a small eternity in which Chan admires the stranger has passed he realises three fundamental truths at the exact same time. Number one, that pretty stranger just passed through a door that has we are a bunch of losers written all over it in big bold letter. Literally. There's a sign that reads speak friend and enter another one with no muggles past this point scribbled onto it and finally a small one hanging around the door handle by a thread that just says d&d in session, please don't disturb. Number two, Chan is wearing a dark cloak that makes him look like the leader of some sort of occult organisation. Changbin and Jisung both have very questionable hats and Felix is literally wearing elf ears and a flower crown. There is no way this does not look like a cult meeting to the pretty stranger. Or at the very least they must look like a group of total idiots playing dress up in a basement room. Number three, the boy is really pretty. Like breathtakingly so. The kind of pretty that makes the whole world stop for a moment and if this were one of those romance movies Felix loves so much this would be the scene where everything happens in slow motion while music plays in the background and animated cherry blossom petals fly across the screen. Chan can feel a blush creeping onto his cheeks and- oh god no, this is not really happening right now. He's really here, crushing on first sight while looking like a total idiot. Absolutely fantastic.

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