Live Long and Prosper

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"Hey there, what can I get you?", the boy behind the counter asks. He's tucking back one loose strand of his beautiful black hair in a gesture that could be unconscious but the way he also lightly bites his lips while he is doing it clearly indicates that it is meant to flirtatious. Or well, a very mocking imitation of flirting. Chan rolls his eyes at the boy before he gives his reply.

"Actually I just came to say goodbye to you, but I'll take a lemonade for the road now that I'm already holding up the line."

Minho tiptoes a little so that he can very obviously glance over Chan's shoulder at the non-existent line behind him. Around this time of day, the coffee shop is basically deserted except for a few old people that have nowhere else to be and like to read their newspapers while enjoying a cup of coffee. When Minho looks at Chan again he questioningly raises an eyebrow and Chan slightly blushes in response. Okay, yeah, maybe he shouldn't have even tried to come up with a stupid excuse, knowing that Minho would see right through him. Especially when the lie is so obvious. There is no line he's holding up, he's just stalling for time. Hoping to be able to spend just a minute more with his boyfriend before picking up the carry-on bag he's put down on the recently swept floor so he can catch that train back to Seoul in time. Somehow, Minho doesn't call it out though.

"You must really like that stuff, huh?", he comments with a cheeky grin. Before Chan can come up with an original answer Minho has already turned to grab a bottle from the cooling shelf behind him. The lemonade bottles take up most of the space inside since it's the only refreshment aside from the usual sodas that are being sold here. So there is actually absolutely no need for Minho to bend down and get a bottle from the lowest shelf, but he does so either way. Probably knowing fully well what he is doing. Chan's mouth suddenly feels very dry and his voice sounds kinda hoarse when he forces out a quick "thank you" after Minho has placed the bottle on the counter between them. Minho chuckles a little and Chan begins searching for his wallet instead of making the situation even more embarrassing for himself. Will he ever be able to handle Minho's shameless teasing.

"Keep your money", Minho says, just as Chan has finally managed to free his wallet from his pocket.

"What?", he replies rather dumbly. Because obviously he understood what Minho just said. He's just very much taken off-guard by it. Minho smiles.

"It's on me, see it as a little parting gift. Well, I mean we'll see each other again in a few days, but just accept it. I still feel kind of bad for making you go home alone."

"It's really not your fault", Chan mumbles. Because if there is anyone to blame it's probably him. Originally Chan was hoping that Minho and he could travel there together, but as it turns out that Essay that Chan finished recently also needs to be submitted in a print version and there is only one day left to do that. If he had known that earlier he could have mailed it of course, but being overall disorganised when it comes to deadlines and stuff like that Chan only found out yesterday. And in a spur of the moment panic decision changed his reservation to a train two days earlier. Actually neither Minho's mother nor his employers – who are at this point also parents of a close friend – would have minded letting him go earlier as well. But Minho himself decided that he would still take the extra days to properly pack and say goodbye to everyone. Which is understandable but still a little disappointing. Then again, he's right, it's just two days.

"I know, but I'm trying to be nice here, so can you please just take the damn lemonade? I know that you like it for nostalgia or whatever even though it tastes terrible."

"It tastes like summer", Chan corrects, even though that's a very illogical statement. Because summer doesn't really have a distinct taste. It's a combination of flavours that grow and change over time. It's cold lemonade on a warm day, ice cream melting and dripping all over your hands. It's barbecue and burnt marshmallows on the beach. And now it's also sugary candy and the taste of Minho's chapstick on his lips. Summer is a season. But it's also a taste, a feeling, a state of mind. And maybe summer can be a person as well. Chan doesn't say any of that but, as if he read his boyfriend's mind, Minho rolls his eyes.

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