I chime in with a 'haven't you people ever heard of closing the goddamn door?'

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The coffee shop is decorated in paper garlands and colourful napkins are lying on each table, folded so that they stand up. It looks a little bit like a child's birthday party. But that is probably exactly what Jisung and Felix are going for. It's the exact same set up every year and probably it has already been the exact same the years before the rest of them got to know Jisung and started coming to his birthday parties. The only thing that has really changed is probably the fact that Jisung now has a legitimate excuse to ask his mother for a second cake because he can never choose between chocolate and cheesecake. Now he just claims that one of them is for Felix even though Felix probably doesn't really care for either of those two. It's all a big lie. The cake is a lie. And of course Jisung's mother has probably caught on just like everyone else has but she still bakes two cakes and pretends that one of them is for Felix who she claims is pretty much her second son either way. And maybe it's also because she likes to spoil her actual son a little when she can. And because she's good at baking. After all, the family does run a coffee shop and sells a number of self-made baked goods.

So yeah, there are two cakes on the biggest table in the middle of the room, both of them decorated with colourful candles that are threatening to drip their wax on the cakes any minute now. The room is chanting happy birthday. For the first time. This time they are singing it for Jisung and Felix is clapping along with a beaming smile while loudly singing his heart out for his best friend. His deep voice clearly stands out between all the others. In just about three hours they are going to sing it for a second time but the name they'll sing will be different. Since the two have started celebrating their birthdays together Jisung usually has his party in the evening, they celebrate until about midnight and then go straight to celebrating Felix's birthday. Usually, that just keeps going until everyone is too tired and just goes home. Chan thinks that the longest he's ever been here was until three in the morning or something like that. Luckily he had his keys with him so he didn't have to wake his parents when he got back home. That was the first time the duo celebrated their birthdays like that. Last year he already left around half past one or something. He's not sure how long he'll stay this year but he's not going to go home and work on his essay either way so he might as well stay as long as he can. Jisung even offered that he could sleep over if he wanted to but he turned him down in the end. Because he knows that Felix is most likely staying over as well and he's not sure if he could stand a sleepover with them. Because they just never stop talking and Chan is already not really getting a lot of sleep either way.

They are done singing now and Jisung gets to blow out the candles on both cakes. Because eating cake after midnight would be bad or something so they are starting early with Felix's cake. Somehow he manages to actually blow out all the candles on both cakes at once. The other people in the room begin clapping and cheering and Chan joins in with them while he already tries to weasel his way through to pull Jisung in a hug the first chance he gets. Of course, he already congratulated him. He did that just as the clock struck midnight through a text message and then once more when he first saw him earlier today. But all good things come in threes and there is no stopping Chan from throwing his love at his friends any chance he gets. Felix beats Chan to the first hug, but he has an unfair advantage because he has been standing next to Jisung the entire evening so far and will likely not leave his side. Tonight even more than ever they are almost conjoined by the hips. But at least Chan manages to be second and thus still manages to catch Jisung's attention before his mother can finish cutting up the cakes to distribute the first slices.

"Happy Birthday, how does it feel to be an adult now?", Chan asks while ruffling through Jisung's hair. The younger boy pouts at him but quickly breaks out in a smile.

"Oh come on, this is already the third time you're wishing me a happy birthday today, I think I got the memo by now", he jokingly complains. Chan rolls his eyes and pretends to be offended.

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