a guy that I'd kinda be into

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The rock doesn't skip even once and just pathetically sinks into the water with a small plop and a bit of splashing. Of course it doesn't skip. Rocks only really skip on shallow water. And if you throw them right. And preferably if it's flat and kind of rounded stones. Just aggressively throwing every one of them that is within hands reach into the thrashing waves of the ocean sure won't make any of them skip. But that doesn't stop Chan from picking up yet another rock with sharp edges from the sandy ground and hauling it off into the water. It splashes and sinks just like every other rock he's thrown before this one. It's hard to tell how many rocks he has sunk or for how long he has been standing here now but he is sure that he will be late for dinner again and that at this point it's already too late to even worry about it. The food is probably cold already. And it will still be cold, no matter if he gets home within the next five minutes or in half an hour. He's getting stuck in old routines once again. Taking the long way home, walking the beach at night. Throwing rocks at an ocean that just swallows them whole without even being bothered by such insignificantly small worries.

Chan has always liked the ocean.

No matter if the waves are calm and shallow or wild and foamy with a storm brewing up somewhere in the distance, the seemingly endless masses of water have always given him some sort of comfort. The water, no matter what state it is in, somehow always gives off the impression that it is this huge unbothered force of nature that is only concerned with itself. It's vast, it's endless and it's deep enough to swallow all of his worries. Because compared to the huge masses of water, it's all just small pebbles being tossed into a fountain. Chan could throw every rock on this whole shore into the water and the ocean still wouldn't be bothered. It just keeps swallowing them, no matter how rough or hard he throws. It swallows them and maybe years later it will spit them out again. Smooth and rounded. And maybe if Chan just keeps hauling all his frustration into the ocean together with the rocks he's throwing it will also spit those back at him in the same way. Calmed and no longer sharp.

Chan picks up another rock from the ground and attaches a thought to it before he throws it away. Jisung likes Minho and I'm jealous he thinks while he watches the rock drown in the waves. And maybe after some time has passed the rock will land on the shore again, softened by the back and forth of the waves. And maybe by that time, he will have moved on as well. Maybe when the rock lands on the shore again the thought attached to it will say Jisung and Minho like each other and I'm happy for them. But not today. Today Chan is just an angsty boy throwing rocks at the ocean late in the evening.

He picks up another one and is about to throw it when he suddenly notices another person approaching him. They are waving a hand above their head while walking directly into his direction. Chan squints his eyes a little to make out the person and – oh fuck this is not really happening right now. Minho is walking right up to him, waving with one hand and using the other to wrap himself a little tighter into the fluffy looking light blue jacket he is wearing. The wind is messing with his hair, blowing a few strands into his face and the light of the setting sun gives his skin an almost golden glow. He is gorgeous. Chan's first reflex is to look behind him in case anyone else is standing there who Minho might be waving at. But when he doesn't see anyone else he shyly raises a hand to wave back at him. The hand with which he is still holding the rock. Minho is now close enough that Chan can see his facial expression and he kind of raises an eyebrow at the rock in Chan's hand while he takes down his own hand to run his fingers through his hair and brush it out of his face.

"Hey, I saw you and thought I'd just say hi", Minho explains when he is close enough to be heard without having to shout over the distant sound of the waves. He's pushed both hands into the pockets of his jacket now and somehow it's making him look a little smaller. He's naturally shrugging his shoulders a little, arms pressed tightly to his sides. His whole posture makes him look awkward and a little bit insecure. As if he is the one shy about approaching Chan. Somehow that alone is enough to prevent Chan from functioning normally.

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