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"So, how are things going with Minho and you?", Felix asks the second Chan settles down on his usual place. He did not even have time for a greeting and he is already being attacked with that again. But well, after what happened yesterday he didn't really expect anything else. He should probably consider himself lucky that Felix even waited so long with his next attack instead of just continuing to pester him about it all day after giving him that sorta pep talk about killing ex-boyfriends or whatever. But still, Chan was hoping that maybe he'd be left alone for at least a bit. One normal day, that's all he's asking for. But apparently that is already considered too much.

"Oh yeah, wasn't he acting super strange yesterday?", Jisung chimes in right away as if he had just been waiting for his cue. He probably was. At this point, Chan is pretty much convinced that these two script and prepare these conversations in advance to torture Chan. Or maybe someone up there just has it out for him. Some awful author of destiny who decides to put him into one frustrating situation after the other. Yeah, the universe definitely hates him. Sadly, this realisation does not change anything about the situation. He still has to answer his friends.

"No idea what you guys are talking about", Chan mutters while getting comfortable in his chair. Felix frowns at him but to Chan's surprise, the boy does not further comment on it. Even though he could use this to repeat what he said yesterday and open the discussion about his observations up to the group. But maybe he has decided that this should really stay between them. Something Chan is grateful for. But just because Felix decides to leave it at that, for now, doesn't mean Jisung has to go along with that decision.

"Don't try to worm your way out of this situation. He was acting totally weird at the arcade yesterday. I mean, damn, he went hard at that DDR game. And he was totally confrontational with Woojin or whatever. I think he was trying to impress you or something." Jisung shares his observations with a very serious face as if he is once again ready to present evidence in some important case. But at least this time he does it without all the yelling and slamming his hands down on the table. It would probably not be as funny for them if they actually did it every time so they have to save it for special occasions only. Chan would not mind if they never did that again to be completely honest, but he knows that his friends are idiots and probably won't do him that favour.

"Yeah, and he totally avoided me after that", Chan says defensively. Jisung rolls his eyes in the most dramatic way he possibly could and Chan is almost surprised that his eyes are not yet stuck at some odd angle with how often Jisung has been rolling his eyes at him over the course of the past week or so. Now that he's thinking about that, time seems to be passing fast. It can't have been more than maybe a week or two until Minho first stumbled into them playing DnD down here. It practically feels like yesterday. And yet so much has happened in this time. Summer is ending soon. And Chan is wasting away his time denying a crush on a boy he has only talked to at a handful of occasions. But in retrospect, these few times feel like more than a handful of occasions where they have run into each other. He basically knows half of Minho's life story. But he hasn't managed to ask him what his favourite colour is. Or what kind of music he is listening to in his head when he is tapping his feet on the ground.

"Sure, he was avoiding you and not the other way around", Jisung scowls, snapping Chan out of his thoughts. Well, maybe he has a point. After that talk with Felix Chan did his best to avoid confrontation with Minho. When they were playing games as a group Chan purposely picked the opposite team as the one Minho was one or volunteered to sit out two on two games so that Jisung and Felix could compete against Changbin and Minho while he was watching his friends have fun together from the sidelines. He even made sure there was always at least one other person standing or walking between Minho and him as they moved through the arcade and mall. But it's not as if Minho made this particularly hard for him. He seemed very much content not approaching Chan on his own either. And if he really went through all of that trouble of pulling that DDR stunt just to impress Chan, why would he stop there? To Chan, this pretty much proves that Minho can't be that interested after all. Probably he just wanted to show off his awesome dancing. Brag about how good he is at DDR. And rightfully so. But it had nothing to do with establishing dominance or impressing Chan specifically or whatever Felix came up with. That boy just watches too much romance anime. Still, Chan's defence doesn't seem to be working against Jisung at the moment. So it's time for a change of plans. Maybe offence really is the best defence sometimes.

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