I won't say I'm in love

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"Okay, okay, everyone, calm down", Jisung says even though he is clearly the only one in their small round that is currently not calm. Changbin has his head on the table and looks like he has pretty much given up on life at this point. The poor boy just wants to play some damn Dungeons and Dragons but in the end, he always ends up getting dragged into relationship drama he doesn't care about. Felix is sitting on the table with his legs bouncing back and forth and his eyes completely focused on Jisung who is standing between Chan and the table. Chan has the door to his back and every fibre of his being is screaming at him to just turn around and leave again. That would probably the better option considering what's about to come. Because Chan has a pretty clear idea of what Jisung wants to talk about. He has that serious expression on his face and the this is an emergency meeting tone of voice. And Chan hates it but that won't stop Jisung from talking now that he has everyone's attention.

"Thanks to my very reliable sources", he stops a second to look over his shoulders and smile at Felix who is smiling right back at him, Changbin acts as if he is shoving a finger down his throat and makes some exaggerated gagging sounds "I have come to know that Chan here" he takes yet another theatrical break to dramatically point at Chan but the audience doesn't really seem impressed by that "likes Minho."

There is no loud gasping, no shocked screams or anything like that even though with all the drama he is creating Jisung seems to be expecting the same level of enthusiasm from his audience. But they stay quiet for the most part. The only sound coming from Changbin is his hand hitting his forehead and Felix makes no sound at all, he just sits on the table looking at Jisung with starry eyes and seemingly zoning out a little. Chan sighs, he knew they would be annoying but he really didn't think he'd be assaulted like that before he even got a chance to sit down. He came to have a good time and he's honestly just feeling so attacked right now.

"Are you done now?", he asks Jisung a little snappier than he intended to but who cares, Jisung probably deserves all of it and more. He crosses his arms on his chest and pouts dramatically.

"Actually I'm not, you're not getting out of this until we have figured out a plan to get you and Minho together", Jisung announces. Chan had figured that much but he still sighs one more time. A little heavier, as if the weight of the whole world is pressing down onto his chest. He really needs better friends. Because he knows that determined look on Jisung's face. This very specific hard expression he puts on when he has decided to do something stupid and there is no holding him back. Eyes focused on his target. And this time the poor target just happens to be Chan. The worst part is that he is way too used to this already.

"There is no getting us together. It's just a stupid little crush. I'll get over it." Chan knows that Jisung won't have any of that before he has even finished his sentence so he is not even surprised when his friend rolls his eyes at him and brushes his comment off because apparently Chan has no more say in his own boy troubles

"Just a little crush my ass, you look at him as if he put the moon in the sky or something", Jisung snorts Chan is about to protest that but Felix cuts him off before he could even open his mouth.

"You love him to the moon and back", he adds while cheerfully bopping his legs up and down. And even Changbin raises his head up from where he put it down on the table in frustration earlier to add something.

"And you'd probably be willing to lasso the moon for him if he asked."

Chan looks at Changbin accusingly but the boy just shrugs with a sheepish grin that doesn't look the slightest bit apologetic. Probably he is just so fed up with Jisung's antics that he decided that joining the fun and bullying Chan is a lot easier than trying to fight it and be miserable in the corner of the room. Chan can't really blame him but he's still a little offended that they are all ganging up on him like this. He was hoping that at least Changbin would stick up for him. Or at least help him change the topic to get the game going. He expected nothing but somehow he still got disappointed.

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