"I have connected the dots." "You didn't connect shit." "I have connected them."

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Chan doesn't really have to look around for Felix and Jisung. When Changbin and he make their way back into the main room of the coffee shop the duo stand right in the middle of it. Jisung is the first one to spot them. He tugs on Felix's sleeve and wildly gestures into their direction. Chan raises a hand and waves at them awkwardly. Changbin gives him a short pat on the back.

"Good luck with that, buddy", he mutters, before he is suddenly gone. Disappeared somewhere in the crowd. Chan turns his head to follow him with his eyes but it's as if Changbin made himself invisible. When Chan looks back at Jisung and Felix the two seem to be silently arguing. Jisung is wildly gesturing around while Felix's eyes go back and forth between following Jisung's movements and glancing over in Chan's direction. Even though his exact expression is hard to make out from the distance he looks stressed. Almost anxious. Chan finally takes a deep breath in and begins walking towards them the same second Jisung gives Felix an encouraging shove in his direction. Because apparently the two came to the conclusion that it's easier to let Felix handle that one. Maybe it really is. Chan would have felt awkward talking to both of them and if he had to pick one he probably would have chosen Felix as well. They meet halfway and awkwardly stop in front of each other. Felix opens his mouth as if he is about to say something but then just closes it again. So Chan does the first thing he can think of. He opens his arms and pulls Felix in for a hug.

"Happy Birthday, Lix", he whispers. He can feel the younger boy tense up for a moment but then he hugs back tightly. Almost a little too tight as if he wants to squeeze all air out of Chan's lungs. And despite the situation, Chan can't help but laugh a little at how Felix clings to him like a koala and how small the boy feels in his arms. And maybe he's also laughing a little bit because he's relieved. Because he's suddenly confident that everything will be alright.

"Maybe we should go outside to talk", Chan suggests when he lets go of Felix again. The boy hesitates for another moment. He's looking back over his shoulder and Chan can tell that he is probably looking for Jisung. But then he turns around again to look Chan straight in the eyes and nods.

They sit down on the sidewalk in front of the coffee shop. It's a little cold outside. Not really freezing cold but a little chilly and when the wind blows it kind of makes you shiver for a moment. Chan buries his hands in the pocket of his hoodie and his fingers brush the little package he put in there earlier. He takes it out hesitantly and hands it to Felix who is nervously fiddling next to him.

"Here, hope you like it", he mutters. Felix looks at the small item that is covered in colourful wrapping paper and way too much clear tape with a confused look on his face. For a second he seems to have no idea of what to do with it. As if he forgot his own birthday over everything else that is happening. But then he takes it. They both sit in silence as Felix tries his best to tear open the paper without damaging what's inside. It's a set of seven dice and one coin, a moon on one and a sun on the other side. All stored in a somewhat opaque blue sachet with golden glitter weaved into it. Felix pulls it open carefully to let the dice fall into his hand. He looks at them for a moment and Chan watches how his eyes sparkle in amazement while his lips twitch into a small smile. Maybe even unconsciously.

"I love them", Felix says finally before he puts the dice back into their sachet and stuffs it into his own pocket carefully as if he's handling something incredibly precious. "Thank you."

Chan smiles back at Felix and gives his hair a friendly ruffle. But he quickly pulls his hand back when the gesture conjures up the image of how just a moment ago another hand was entangled with Felix's hair. They both fall silent again. Chan is not sure if he should wait for Felix to start talking on his own or if he should start by asking a question himself. And Felix remains completely quiet while he plays around with the zipper of his jacket. Chan waits for another long moment because maybe Felix just needs some time to gather his thoughts and think about how he wants to approach this whole topic. But when he continues to stay quiet and the silence just becomes too much to bare Chan takes in a deep breath and prepares for the worst.

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