Chap. 1 Meeting the Ghost

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Present Day:

"Hey all you listeners it's me DJ Solar Eclipse here to bring you some crazy tunes so turn up the radio and let's get a rockin'." I decided to play Fight Song by Rachel Platten, once the song ends, I say "For all of you who didn't know that was Fight Song by Rachel Platten, and now as you all know it's noon, and everybody knows what that means. That's right people! Listener's Playlist begins now, so who will be the first caller? Oh will you look at that! I already have my first caller. Hello caller," 'Hello, little ladie mah name's Jack Ryder and ah'd like it if you'd play Only Human by Christina Perri' "alrighty then Jack Ryder you got yourself a song!" I play his request, song ends "well then any other callers want to take a shot at the playlist? No one! wow, there's a first! 

Well if y'all are done then i guess the Listener Playlist has come to a close." that's when my cell phone rings "huh? Well oops, looks like I left my cell phone on, be right back, but before i go here's Titanium by Sia" i turn my chair around and answer the call "yello," "I know you're lookin' for your father an' I know where he is. Meet me at da gas station, two blocks from da radio station you're in. After you finish work, of course." the man hangs up, my eyes go wide and i drop my phone. I think 'My father! He knows where my father is!' I start to tear up but, quickly wipe them away, the song ends so i say "whelp you know the drill people one more song then my 11:45-12:45 radio station on the weekends is over, sooooo, any other callers? Oh, we do have one caller, "hello," 'Hi, i'd like to request Demons by Imagine Dragons.' "You got it my friendly caller," i play it, I look up at the clock 'I have 5 minutes until i can go see my mystery caller and find out where my dad is,' song ends 

"Well it's been a fun hour and now i must say bye to all my loyal listeners with an, Until All Are One!" Ding 'Yes i can go now!' I get up and clock out, "see-ya K.C." i say to the owner of the radio station as i leave. "See-ya Austin" she says back, I quickly run to the gas station only to see it's deserted except for a silver Pontiac Solstice 'huh coincidence.' 

(A/N Austin's last name is Solstice) 

I walk up to the car and knock on the window "hello are you the one who called me?" "You got dat right lidle' ladie" i jump back in alarm thinking 'did the car just talk?', "you wanna' know 'bout your father?" i nod "den hop in" i smile and open the door and enter the car. We drive off "So what's your name mister car?" I ask to start conversation "Ha Ha, name's not Mister Car dat's foh sure," it replies through the radio "so what is your name then?" i ask "it's Jazz, but you also know me as someone else," i raise my eyebrow "Ah called you earlier for a song request." my eyes go wide, recognizing his voice, "you're Jack Ryder?!" "Da one and only" "wow!" i say shaking my head, then I say "Wait go back to the topic you called me for Jazz. Where is my father?" "yeah bout dat well as you can probably guess ahm an alien," 'no dip sherlock' i think "but you see, Ah was, well, let's jus' say my team thinks ahm dead," "what does that have to do with my father?" "easy girl i'm gettin' there, anyway as Ah was sayin' my boss is your father." my eyes go wide, "are you trying to tell me my dad is an alien car?" "no ahm telling you, your dad is an alien robot that transforms into a truck." he retorts. "Okay so if you're dead then how am i riding in you?" "oh dat, yeah it's only 5 in da mornin' and ahm contacting you spiritually so dat you can find my spark then take it to my body so Ah can return to da livin'" he says. 'Great i have to bring a alien robot back to life to be able to find my dad' "okay then Jazz where is you spark?" i ask, "oh yeah it's in the silver jug in your room," he says.

My Crazy Life (Jazz x OC) {discontinued}Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora