Chap. 4 The Plan

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The day goes on, once it's over i rush to find Sam, i find him by Bumblebee I run over to him calling out "Hey, Sam!" he turns to me surprised and says "oh! um, hey Austin." i giggle and say "i need your help, i'm planning on raising some money" he looks completely bewildered now "why are you asking me?" he asks. I wring my hands and say "well i'm going to plan a car wash and since you have a car, a good looking one to might i add, i thought i might be able to use him for my poster" he looks over at BumbleBee then me and sighs, "sure why not" he says, I smile grab my phone from my backpack, open the picture taking app, walk backward, get a good angle, and take the picture. I smile again and say "thanks." I turn ready to run over to my bike so i can go home, but Sam stops me "hey Austin." I turn back around "would you like a ride home?" he asks gesturing over at Bee. I shake my head and say "nah, you and your car should bond more since it looks like you just got him" I turn back around, as I turn I wink at BumbleBee, he flashes his headlights back. I get a text as i'm biking home <Thank You!> i stop and type back <get as dirty as you can and remind him that he needs money, if he needs it that is, if he doesn't then hide his wallet so does need money and bring as many of your friends and i'll make sure to give them the time of their life> <haha you got it Captain!>

When i get home i run to my computer and upload the photo of BumbleBee and make a poster showing the car wash, how much it cost, the date, the place, the time, etc. I print a bunch of them out, I quickly bike around town putting them up. When i finally return home, again, i'm smiling, Jazz floats out of my bag and asks "what're you smilin' about Aussy?" I look at the spark, eyebrow raised and ask "Aussy?" "it's a work in progress. It's supposed to be my nickname for you Austin, an' i know it ain't dat good." i chuckle shrugging, and say "Well i'm going to get Sam and BumbleBee together, and give alien robots a bath......... wait, what if my dad comes!? Oh my Primus! That's going to be so embarrassing" Jazz, who has nerve, laughs at my freak out. once he's calm he says "he won' know you are his daughter unless you tell him, that or if your mom is there." I hug him and say "Jazz you're brilliant!" "Ah know ah am, wait, why am ah brilliant?" he asks. I say "if my mom is there then i won't have to tell my father i'm his daughter, he'll see her and remember her, then once i call my mom, Mom, and he hears this, he'll put two and two together and figure it out on his own!" I run downstairs to my mom and tell her my plan, "well that certainly is a bold plan you have there sweetheart, but what if he doesn't come?" to which I reply "he has to come, he knows i have the spark of one of his allies, his friend. Also I asked BumbleBee to bring as many of his friends here," my mom smiles at me and says "well then we're going to have to go shopping for a swimsuit for the two of us then" I squeal and hug my mom "thank you, thank you, thank you!" i shout.

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