Chap. 11 The Story

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Mom leads me away from the medic room, and we stop in front of a door to which Mom opens and leads me in. We continue on into another room and she lays me on the bed. She lays next to me and she hugs me, i cry even harder, saying, "Oh Mom, it's all my fault Jazz is hurt! I wanted to ride in his vehicle mode home so i wouldn't have to bike, i asked him if he could transform, he could, so he let me in and he drove toward home with me in it. I didn't know he was out of energy! I didn't even think that he may have rusted in the desert sand, or even, that how he died may have caused his systems to malfunction, or anything! UGH I'M SUCH AN IDIOT!!!" 

Mom brings me closer, kisses the top of my head and whispers "Shh little Austin, it's okay, you're new to all this. You couldn't have known any of those things, much less worry about them. Besides i don't think anyone is blaming you." i just keep crying. Mom hums, then asks "Austin would you like to hear the story of how me and your father met?" I freeze and ask "you're going to tell me?" I feel her nod. That's when the door opens and in walks Dad's holoform. I lean back, away from Mom, to look down at him, he walks up to the other side of the bed and lays down next to me, once he's settled he speaks, "i see you've seen your new room. Do you like it?" i look around, i see that all of it is things i like, so i have to ask "how did you know i liked all of this stuff?" looking to him, he smiles, points to my chest and says "we are bonded, which means little one, that I can hear your thoughts as well as feel your emotions." I smile and say "okay makes sense" i look back at Mom and ask "can you tell me the story?" She nods, and begins.

"About twenty years ago i was living alone in my home. I had just finished dinner so I was cleaning up. When all of a sudden I saw two streaks of light, one ahead of the other, shooting across the sky, so I quickly closed my eyes and made a wish, but was interrupted when the ground shook. My eyes shot open and I saw smoke billowing out of the ground far away. I quickly put on my shoes and ran toward the area. On the way, the ground shook again and the smoke doubled, but I kept running toward it, I was hoping I would get some luck on my side and the meteors didn't fully disintegrate upon impact. When I got there, my eyes widened, what I saw was something I was most definitely not expecting. What stood in front of me was a giant silver creature, with solid wings, like a jet's wings, with a glowing purple logo, protruding from its back, with its foot pressed on another creature colored red and blue, the silver one was making this horrible sound in what i assumed was it speaking, when the noise stopped it pulled out a syringe full of purple liquid and jammed it into the red and blue one. The red and blue one made this static filled noise, but i heard a scream of agony. My heart froze at the noise then I became angry, wanting to help the red and blue creature, so I started to look around for something to use. I spotted a bunch of rocks that had been knocked loose from the two creatures' landing, so i grabbed them and started throwing them at the silver one. To my surprise they struck, making a loud ding, the red and blue one had stopped screaming by then and was just panting hard, so when it struck the two froze and turned their heads to look at me. I made fists and yelled at the top of my lungs "LEAVE THE RED AND BLUE ONE ALONE YOU SILVER JERK!" they both were silent, staring at me. Then the red and blue one said in a male voice "get out of here human...⋯it isn't safe" with those few words i could hear how much pain it was in. The silver one started chuckling, then in a screechy male voice says "well if it isn't a weak fleshbag," turning back to face the, red and blue, male it continues "relying on weaklings to protect you now Prime?" I shook with rage, and yelled once more "I'M NO WEAKLING! YOU PRISSY, SILVER, HIGH HEELED, PSYCHOPATH!" which caused the silver one to growl out "why you little." it began to point its weapon at me, I froze in fear. A fist connected with the silver's face which caused it to stumble and, thankfully, miss the shot. I watched as the red and blue one stand up, shakingly, and growl out " really are a fool if you think you......will ever harm a human while I am around." the silver one laughed and said "Well you won't be here for much longer now will you Prime? Not with that dark energon flowing through your veins." the red and blue one groaned and grabbed his stomach area. I immediately knew I had to do something. So i looked around again, upon seeing a loose branch i picked it up and decided to use it as a bo-staff, which i learned how to use by watching Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles," Mom gives me a wink knowing i love that show and watch it as well, "I ran at the silver one, and slammed the stick onto the silver one's foot, it cried out in pain, which is because i hit a nerve in his ankle without even trying to. It lifted up its foot to step on me, when a blast knocked it back, it tripped and fell back, knocking itself out out. I heard a groan behind me and i turned around to find the red and blue one on his hands and knees barely holding himself up, his previously blue eyes, dark. I ran toward him and touched his face which was extremely warm, in fact so warm i burned my hands" Mom smiles down at me "then his eyes are glowing blue once more and he said "are you...... alright human?" i nodded my head and said "though you may not be if i don't lower your fever." he simply nodded and slowly stood up, i turned toward the direction i had come and said "follow me i can take you to my house i have a barn in back" 

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