Chap. 2 Mom Joins In

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BEEP, BEEP, BEEP, BEEP, "AHH" i yell falling out of my bed the alarm clock says it's 6:00 A.M. 'Ugh, Mondays I dislike Mondays, it means school,' That's when I remember the dream, my eyes go wide as i shout "The jug!" i whip around to look at it, walking over to it I realize that i never opened it and think 'wow if only i had opened this when i bought it then maybe now i could have been hanging out with my dad right now.' "Hello, alien trapped inside" Jazz's voice echoes in my head. 

(A/N: MLP reference when you see it)

I laugh and say "ok, ok geez calm down i'm gonna' open it" I reach over and open the jug out floats a glowing blue orb "thanks lidle ladie" I roll my eyes and say "well now that i let you out, how do i revive you so i can meet my father?" "geez, now ahm not duh one who needs to calm down, anyway first you haf' to get mah body which is buried in the desert, an' fore you ask why?, it's cause dey are tryin' to learn earth traditions and since dey think ahm dead, they did what you humans do an' buried meh." "ah" is all i say. "Second, there are two ways to see your father. one, you can join the army an' make duh people who work wit' NEST think dey could use you, so you get in, an' den you can see, an' help your father, or two, you can meet someone who knows 'bout us bots and befriend dem' so you can meet your father." "One here is my sarcastic: Great! And two why would i want to get into a nest?" I ask "Not nest, N.E.S.T it stan's for Nonbiological Extraterrestrial Species Treaty, an' it's duh place where your father is lidle ladie." 

"Okay then," that's when i realize something "hey, my name's not 'Little Lady' it's Austin, Austin Solstice!" that's when my mom knocks on my door and says "Austin are you alright i heard you yell. Also who exactly are you talking to?" my eyes go wide as i say "Uh, yeah i'm alright, and I'm um" 'what am i going to say?' i think worriedly. "how abou' tellen' her duh truth" Jazz says. I give him the are you crazy look, but then i shrug my shoulders and say "I'm talking to a glowing, blue, orb named Jazz" my mother walks in, and her eyes widen at the sight of Jazz and asks "Austin where did you get that?" I look at Jazz, then back to my mother and say "I had a dream of a alien car talking to me, telling me he knows where dad is, also he told me that he needed my help to get back to his body, so he told me where his, i think he called it a spark, was." 

My mother eyes gaze between Jazz's spark and me, but stops on me. In a small voice she asks "so he told you the truth about your father? That he's an alien?" I my eyes cast downward toward my feet, and I nod. She sighs, then says "well you were gonna find out anyway. So now is better than later i guess, and i'm really sorry for keeping this from you, I just, wanted to protect you from his enemies." my head shoots up to look at her and I ask "Enemies?" i look to Jazz's spark "He has enemies?" Jazz's spark bounces in a sort of nod and says "Yeah, dey're called Decepticons and dair leader's name is Megatron." I pull in my lips in a hum, "sounds ominous," i say, I then look over at my clock, it reads 7:00 a.m. "ah cheese! i'm gonna be late for school!" i say. "mom i have to get dressed and Jazz don't look at me." I say as I turn to my closet. They both laugh, mom leaves and Jazz's spark ducks under the blanket on my bed, I get dressed as quickly as I can, even though I catch Jazz's spark taking a peek out from under the blanket. "JAZZ!!!! I SAID DON'T LOOK!!!!" i yell at him. He laughs and ducks under the blanket once more, I roll my eyes, run downstairs, grab a banana and run out the door. What i didn't see was that Jazz jumping into my backpack as i ran out of my room.

My Crazy Life (Jazz x OC) {discontinued}Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora