Chap. 6 We Meet 'Jet Judo'

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The next morning i wake up to the sound of Jazz calling my name "Au-stin, Au-stin, Austin!" i jerk awake and look blearily over at him, saying "what?" He says "get up you have to get ready," I groan and roll off the bed, before I say "okay, there, i'm up" "not what Ah meant exactly, but it'll work" he says with amusement evident in his voice. I get off the floor, and grab my new swimsuit from the drawer to get dressed. Jazz says "give me some warning next time so i won't look at you," as i finish changing. 

I turn to him and say "you've seen me naked so many times now i don't even care anymore." he chuckles before he says "well, okay then." I walk downstairs and find my mom making breakfast, already dressed in her new swimsuit as well. I walk over and grab a pancake off the plate and eat it, she says "you do realize eating can wait until after, i've finished making the pancakes." I shrug, as I say "i know i'm just a little nervous about meeting dad." She places the pancake, she just finished, on the plate and turns to me saying "yes that is something to be worried about. But know this, your father is an amazing man, well alien, and when he sees you he will light up with joy, i'm sure of it." I smile at her words, our moment is ruined by a knock on the door, i turn, and walk up to it, opening it I see Sam and Bee standing there. 

"Hey guys! So how'd it go?" i ask. They both smirk, turn to each other and kiss right in front of me. I laugh and say "i'm gonna' say it went well." They stop kissing to walk into the house, Bee stares at the plate of pancakes and starts to drool Sam laughs then says, "let me translate 'Oh, pancakes.'" I laugh and say "Have as many as you like." Bee runs over to the pancakes, takes three and stuffs them into his mouth. We all laugh then eat. After that we all go outside, and we make sure we have everything set-up, again. 

Around 10:00 a.m. we hear the first honk and cars start rolling in. Me, Sam, and Bee are washing cars while my mom brings out snacks for the people, while Jazz is sitting on the porch watching all of us work. We work until around 1:00, when i have just finished sending the last car off, Bee yells "They're here!" I turn to the drive in area, where I see a Corvette Stingray, a GMC Topic, a Rescue Hummer, a Chevrolet Beat and Mix, a Superbike, a Chevrolet Volt, and a Peterbilt Semi, pull up. My mom gasps at the sight of the Semi, so i guess that's my dad 'well this ought to be fun' i think, Jazz calls from the porch "don' worry you ain't washin' ehm, your mom is!" I turn and glare at him, while my mom's face turns bright red. 

The people who get out are all men, wait hold that thought, there's one female, Sam and Bee walk up to greet them, me and my mom just stand back. Sam jesters me and my Mom over, as we near, the man that stepped out of the Semi spots my mother and starts tense up. I say "hello and welcome to my car wash, before we get started would any of you like some snacks or drinks?" a couple of hands go up, so i say "okay just tell my Mom," pointing at her, "what you would like and let's hope she can make it" the man, that got out of the semi, looks at my mom, then at me shock evident on his face. I walk past the men and woman, up to the vehicles to inspect them "hmm i'd say that the lot of you have messy vehicles, but i'm going to start with the..." i take another quick glance at the vehicles and say "Stingray. So if you could please move it over to my station, then I'll get it nice and clean," 

I turn and walk over to my station. Jazz laughs and says "Sides is glaring at you!" The stingray drives up to my station and the man gets out. I look at him then his car and say "huh, you peg me as more of a Lamborghini guy not a Stingray." He looks at me in shock and Jazz says from the porch "dat's Sideswipe, hes gotta' twin named Sunstreaker dey both had lambo like builds on cybertron, so you jus' hit a soft spot" 'oh! oops my bad' I think back. I turn and grab the hose and spray the car down, the man jumps a little when the water strikes the car. It's quiet, so i start conversation by asking "so, what's your name?" He looks warily at me and says "Jet Judo." Jazz is laughing again, but i ignore him and i ask another question "so Jet have any relatives?" He looks at me, surprised, he looks around stopping at the porch, realization dawns on him so he looks back down at me and says "yeah i have a twin" I look up at him expecting more, he sighs rubs his arm and says "his name is Sky." I nod my head, turn back to the car, i grab my soapy sponge and throw the hose over to Sam who catches it and starts washing the Chevy Beat. Whose owner is yelling at his twin, who owns the Chevy Mix. 

I start scrubbing the stingray as I ask "you married?" he looks over to the right, Jazz says shock in his voice "Hold up! Sides and Sunny like Ratch!?", he sighs, turning his head back to me, and says "sadly no, me and my brother have had our eyes on someone, but we never told him," i look up eyebrow raised say "so you and your brother like a guy, who i'm guessing is here right now because you looked over to your right, but your brother isn't here, so you don't want to tell the guy you like him, because you and your brother planned to do it together?" He says "uh yeah, that's exactly the reason," he looks me over and asks "are you psychic?" Both Jazz and I laugh, once my laughter is calm, i say "sadly no, i'm not psychic, but i am good at reading people, or so my mom says" he looks to his right suddenly, then back at me, and says "hey, quick question." "Shoot." I say as i scrub a tricky spot of dirt. He asks "is the woman who you said we could ask for snacks, really your carri-er, I mean, mother?" I stop and look up at him, I see he's serious so i return to my work and say "Yeah, she's my mom, don't ask about my dad. I don't remember him, he left us the day before my second birthday." He nods then asks "so what exactly am i supposed to be doing besides watching you clean me-ah my car?" i pretend i didn't miss his slip up by saying "you can watch some TV in the living room." Jet says "Okay, i'll go watch some TV" and walks inside the house.

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