Chap. 7 Fun Then Reveal

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It's around 3:00 when i'm washing the Hummer, Sam is washing Bee and Bee is sitting in himself, eyes closed, asleep, all that's left to wash is the Semi. My mom comes out of the house and calls out "Austin! Sam! Ben!" Bee jumps in surprise hitting his head on the roof of himself, Sam turns around and I look down from my spot on top of the hummer. She continues saying "you three get some refreshments, you've been working all day." Sam shrugs, grabs the hose and sprays Bee clean. Bee hopes out of himself, and I stand up. I call out, "Hey, Sam! Ben! Watch this!" I jump forward, land hands flat on the hood of the hummer, push off, land on my feet on the ground in a slide, I slide to the porch where i jump and flip onto the porch, landing with my feet apart and my hands up, so i looked like a giant X. Sam, Bee and Jazz all cheer me on saying "woot!" or "Nice one Austin!" My mom raises an eyebrow, i shrug sheepishly, and say "sorry Mom." She laughs, places a hand on her forehead and says "you rambunctious child, go get some food and water, i'll wash the Semi" I grin at her, giving her a thumbs up. 

I grab Jazz and walk into the house. Once inside I grab some bottles of water, some sandwiches and some leftover pancakes for Bee. I walk back outside, hand Bee and Sam their food and water, I place my stuff, and Jazz, down on the table, and walk back over the hummer to hose it off, once done i walk back to the porch, grab my food and water, and consume them. As i eat i watch my mom clean the Semi, I think it's funny seeing how tense Dad is. i whisper to Jazz, Bee, and Sam "so what's the head honcho's name? I'd like to know before i start calling him Dad." They all chuckle and Sam says "His Cybertronian name is Optimus Prime, but his holoform name is Orion Solstice." Bee shakes his head and says "he actually doesn't have a holoform, the "person"," Bee does the two finger bend, "you see is an attachment he can release from his main body, he can make it look like anything, and he used to just call it Orion but when Jazz died a few months ago, he said the the attachments last name was Solstice to honor Jazz's vehicle form since he died against Megatron." 

Jazz's spark glows a bit purple so i'm guessing he's blushing, "Wait. Then how did my mom know to name me Austin Solstice?" I ask confused. Bee says "i don't think she did. I think she may have just came up with something based off of your Cybertronian name." i look to him and ask "so what exactly is my Cybertronian name?" Sam and Bee both shrug, i look at my Mom where she sits on top of my Dad's vehicle forms hood. I get up and walk over to the Semi and say "Hey, Mom! I'm coming up." "okay then sweetheart," she replies. I climb up onto the hood of the truck, i start to help my mom wash, as i do, i say "Hey mom, Sam and Ben got me thinking." "About what?" she asks. "Why'd you name me Solstice?" I ask, she looks up at me confused so i continue "Since I know it's not your last name, and you won't tell me what my dad's last name is, or was." she looks from me to the vehicle below her then back at me, and says "Well i just thought of something similar to the name your father gave you." "What did he name me?" I press wanting to know. "Lunar Eclipse" she says, the Semi's horn blares, startling me and I slip "ahhhh" i yell as i fall off the hood and land on the ground with my butt. I stand up rubbing my butt, whining "Ow, my butt! That hurt!" Bee and Sam, because they are laughing so hard, knock Jazz off the table. Mom looks over the edge of the hood down at me and asks "you okay?" I look up at her and reply "Peachy. But, i'll be perfect once, i go kill Sam and Ben" I turn, grab the hose and start chasing them around with the hose spraying water, they scream like little girls yelling "STOP WE'RE SORRY DON'T SPRAY US!" and I yell back "THIS IS WHAT YOU GET FOR KNOCKING OVER MY FRIEND AND LAUGHING AT ME!" Jazz is laughing his spark's, figurative, butt off from the porch and then yells at me "CAN I GET SOME HELP UP!? I WANT TO SPRAY THEM TO!" I grin evilly, run to the porch, grab Jazz, hold him on the hose and yell "REVENGE OF THE SPARK!" They yell louder "NOOO!" there is laughter all around. That's when i slip on a wet patch of grass, and accidentally spray my Dad. 

Everyone freezes, he raises an eyebrow and states "well i wasn't planning to get wet today but now that i am..." he reaches down, picks up the hose and sprays my mom in the face yelling "TAKE THAT!" I laugh, and he turns the hose at me, I squeal and run away. Mom comes up behind my Dad and jumps on his back saying "oh no you don't mister!" A water war breaks out in my backyard. To get safely away I run with Jazz's spark and hide under the porch, we aren't hiding very long when Jazz speaks "Austin?" "yeah?" i question. His spark starts glowing purple again as he says "um, when i get my body back would you like to be my spark-mate?" i look at him and say "Sure Jazz. Not really sure what it is, but if it's with you i don't care." His spark glows bright and i smile. When all i hear is gasps of air, i take a peek, out of our hiding spot, only to see everyone standing, or sitting, panting like dogs, except for my Dad and my Mom, they're kissing. I squeal, get out from under the porch, run over to them and throw my arms around them in a hug. My Dad, in surprise, releases his kiss and looks down at me, then with a smile he pulls me into a hug, I look up at him and give him a grin. 

Once everyone has catched their breath we all head inside to get some towels to dry off, once we are dry we all talk and learn everybody's names. The rescue hummer is Ratchet, the Stingray is Sideswipe, the Superbike is Arcee, the GMC Topic is Ironhide, the Chevy Beat and Mix are Skids and Mudflap, the Chevy Volt is Jolt, and the Peterbuilt Semi is Optimus Prime but their holoforms names are Dr. Richard Hatchet, Jet Judo, Allia Cross, Fenris Pelt, Scott and Mike Johnson, Jeremiah Bolt, and Orion Solstice. Then they all look at me and Orion asks "Austin, will you please tell us the designation of the spark that sits on your lap?" I look down at Jazz and he says "well if ah'm gonna be spark-matting his daughter might as well tell him who ah am." I say to him "I still have no idea what that means" my mom asks "what did he say that you don't understand?" i look up, confused because i thought she could hear Jazz to, Jazz says "i shielded what i said from her" I nod and then say "um nothing much" she raises her eyebrow and i quickly look back down at Jazz, he says "one yes you can tell him who i am and two Spark-matting is like a human marriage but deeper" my face turns a scarlet red and I say "well i'm glad i agreed to that then" his spark lights up again, then i look up and bluntly say "it's Jazz" everybody's, that didn't know who the spark was, eyes go wide. Jazz, my mom, and I all laugh at their faces, when we stop laughing Ratchet asks me "what exactly did Jazz get you to agree to do?" i wink at him, put a finger to my lips and say "Me and his secret" Ratchet playfully glares at me, i grin at him in return. My Dad looks at his watch and says "we should get back to base" almost everyone groans, which i laugh at that and say "It's probably better than being stuck in school with boring teachers trying to teach you things you already know" they all laugh, then every holoform except Bee get up and leave, though my Dad gives my mom a kiss goodbye, or goodnight, maybe both, before he leaves. 

Once they have left, i grab the money box and split it four ways, Bee, Sam, my Mom, and me. Bee gives his share to Sam and I give my share to my Mom, i yawn and say "well this day went better than expected. Now i have to sleep so i can travel to the desert tomorrow to bring Jazz back to life" i yawn again. Sam says "yeah, and i have to head home," Bee nods his head and walks out with Sam. My mom says "good-night Austin" i say "good-night mom" i turn around and walk up the stairs, Jazz floating beside me, i go to my room, change, and lie down on my bed. Jazz comes over to me and cuddles up next to me and starts to vibrate causing me to giggle, I whisper "Stop Jazz," I yawn "i'm sleepy." He whines "awww i wanted you to pet my spark like you usually do" i say with amusement "well then all you had to do was ask." I start petting Jazz's spark which starts to glow dimly in a relaxed state. I pet him for some time, until I fell asleep with him in my arms, one thought going through my mind 'soon it will be me in his arms' then nothing.

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