Chap. 9 Disaster Strikes

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(time skip brought to you by Baah)

It's far into the night when we finally finish digging up Jazz's body. I sigh and sit by my bike Jazz floats out of the basket and lands on my lap. I laugh, stand back up, walk over to Jazz's body and climb onto his chest, that's when I realize I have no idea how to open it, so I call out to Bee "HEY, BEE? COULD YOU COME OPEN JAZZ'S CHEST FOR ME?" he walks over, and places his hand somewhere under Jazz's armor, there's a click, and Jazz's his chest opens. I see an opening about the size of Jazz's spark, so I place Jazz's spark into the chamber and wait, when nothing happens, i think "i did something wrong." 

Oddly enough the fairy-tale, Sleeping Beauty comes to mind. So i crawl up to Jazz's face "this is the craziest idea i have ever had, but, hey i'm crazy" i say before i lower my head and kiss him on the lips. This being my first kiss, i was a bit surprised, when a metal thing entered my mouth, my own tongue feels threatened because my tongue tries to push the metal thing out of my mouth and soon a battle tongue verses metal thing takes place, i lose. 

Once i need air i pull back and pant, looking up away from Jazz's grinning lips, I see Jazz looking down at me, he closes his chest, as he grabs me and sits up. I look over to the left and see both Bee and Sam staring at us, with their mouths hanging open. Jazz, upon seeing this, starts laughing, once he's calm, he places me on the ground and stands up. "Wow, you are tall" I state as I look up at him, he laughs and says "Nah, Ah ain't tall Austin, ah'm more on the side of bein' short." "Says you!" I say, he laughs again. 

Bee and Sam finally recover, Bee runs over to Jazz and hugs him beeping excitedly. "Woah Bee! Yes, it's good to see you too but ahm still a bit wobbly, so could you let me go 'fore you knock me over?" Bee immediately jumps back, beeping worriedly, Jazz just laughs and says "ahm fine Bee just, been dead for 'bout a year" Sam walks over to me, and asks "so what was with the kiss?" this catches Bee's attention so he looks down at me curious as well, I blush and say "Well when putting Jazz's spark in on its own didn't work, I sorta' just thought of Sleeping Beauty and went with it." "And ahm glad you did, who knew you were such a good kisser?" Jazz says, I blush even darker, and look down at my feet. I realize i have no shadow, so i take out my phone and see how late it is, i turn it on, only to find 5 missed calls from Mom, i quickly call her. "Austin you'd better have a good reason for not answering my calls!" Mom says as soon as she answers her phone, i say "Mom I'm sorry for worrying you, but i have a reason, as well as some good news." "And that would be?" she asks clearly not impressed, I grin and say "I'm bringing home a boy" Mom is silent, then says in that very calm, yet angry, voice "Austin you are late because you went on a date?" i gulp and say "Mom, no, i meant, ugh. I meant brought Jazz back to life and i'm bringing him home!" she laughs and says "I know where you went Austin, i was just teasing you, anyway, how long until you get home? Your father and his crew will be here at the house in a couple of minutes." i' surprised so i ask "how did they know?" "Your father called me earlier and asked if me and you had plans for today, I told him what you were doing, and he said Jazz would need a holoform. So he and Ratchet would be coming over so they could place the program in, then, apparently, his team overheard. So they all wanted to come, and that's how they know." she says as if it is obvious. I nod, then realize she can't see me nodding, so i say "ah ok, well i'll see you soon mom bye" "bye my little alien," she says back, and I hang up. 

I turn to Jazz and ask "Can you transform?" he gives me a look an unsure look and shrugs, but he takes a deep breath and lets it out, then, with a bit of a grunt, he transformers. Into a Pontiac Solstice. I jump fist raised, yelling "YEAH!" Jazz starts up his engine, and it roars to life. He opens passenger side door, I grab my bag and race over, hopping in. He takes off, toward the way we came, i hear Sam yell "HEY! WAIT FOR US!" i laugh and say to Jazz "Step on it!" "You got it Lovely." he replies, speeding up. I hear the honk of a horn behind us, so i turn to look back. I see Bee and Sam gaining on our tail, but Sam looks worried, i get a text, i pull out my phone and see its from Bee <Something's wrong with Jazz! He's going slower than normal, and his engine sounds horrible> I look up at Jazz's dashboard worried, i place the palm my hand on his dashboard, where i feel the stuttering of his engine. "Jazz?" i ask frightened, he doesn't answer, and i get even more worried. 

My Crazy Life (Jazz x OC) {discontinued}Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora