Chap. 5 We Work Toward Our Goal

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(time skip to friday)

It's friday afternoon Sam is at my house helping me set up for the car wash tomorrow, as I tell him and BumbleBee the whole plan, and truth, for the car wash, Jazz floats out to greet them. Sam shrugs, points to Bee and says "yeah, he told me." Bee looks at me sheepishly, but then starts to snuggle Sam, which causes me and Jazz's spark to start laughing. Sam turns around to face Bee and says "not yet my love, wait until i dump Mikaela tonight" Bee grins like an idiot. 'It's only been three days and I've been able to make friends with Sam and Bee, even though i have never seen his alien from, only his holoform it's still fun to see Bee act like an adorable love sick puppy....human? autobot? whatever, I also in that time was able to get proof that Mikaela is a jerk and that Sam should dump her and go out with Bee. 

It was kinda odd at how fast i was able to get information on Mikaela. I mean really. Kissing Trent. In broad daylight. At a cafe. That's like two streets over from Sam's house? It's almost like they wanted to get caught, geez. Anyway i sent the photos to Sam and Bee, which at that point Bee confessed his love for Sam, and Sam realized how much he loved Bee too so it turned out hunky-dory.' I think as we finish setting up, Sam says "okay everything looks good," he looks at his phone and says "Now i have a break-up date to get too" to which Bee runs over to himself, and disappears into the side of his door, Sam follows, gets into Bee and they drive off. 

(A/N: Bee is underline, Sam is bolded underline, Austin is italics

My phone goes off with a text, i pick it up to see who it is, it's Sam <By the way i wanted to thank you. You showed me i was being foolish for not seeing that i loved someone else> <No problem Sam, it was fun playing matchmaker with the two of you and plus it might be something else that my dad will be proud of> I start to peddle once more then I get another text, I stop and look this time it's from Bee <I forgot to tell you! everyone said they'd come tomorrow, especially when i pulled my 'puppy dog eyes'> i smile and text back <THANK YOU SO MUCH BEE! YOU ROCK!> I rush home, once inside i quickly make dinner. When my mom gets home, she takes one look at my smiling face and says "let me guess, your father is coming." i smile even larger and squeal out "yes!" Mom smiles at me and brings me close with a hug, tears coming to her eyes as she whispers into my hair "finally he'll be able to see how much you've grown and be proud of you my sweet little angel" as i hug her back, i smile. 

I then take a step back and say "okay mom, we only a few more hours, in that time i'm going to need to get some sleep. So i'll see you in the morning." "Okay sweetie" she says as she gives me a kiss on the check "goodnight my little alien." "Goodnight mom" i say as i walk up the stairs and into my room, where i get changed and lay down on my bed. Jazz whistles, then says "wow you got one good lookin' bod Austin," I jolt in surprise, eyes wide as I turn to look at him. i bluntly say "you weren't supposed to be looking," i shrug my shoulders as I continue "but whatever, i'm going to see me dad tomorrow and then i'm going to bring you back to life." as i start to drift off to sleep, i hear Jazz chuckle and say "Goodnight my beautiful femene." i smile and say "goodnight my shining knight," i feel Jazz's spark lay next to me then nothing.

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